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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. May bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

microsoft needs to release xbox X right now.

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FIT_Gamer said:
Crazy that the Destiny 2(PC) is tracking better than Xbox One.

Wasnt the first game, much bigger on Playstation too?

Highest selling Xbox One on amazon is #136. Seen it be 140+ too.

This is looking like another month where Switch Wins NPD, PS4 comes in at a close 2nd, and Xbox One is miles and miles behinde.

21 hours since last update:

#12 NS Neon (down 7)
#14 NS Grey (down 8)
#17 PS4 UC4 (down 2)
#68 PS4 Pro (up 19)
#90 PS4 Fool's Edition (down 2)
#94 Retron HD (down 17)
#98 NS Grey (re-entry)

SOFTWARE (Pre-orders Only) **:
#19 NS ARMS (down 6)

Does not affect this month: *
Software outside of the month only gets added if it's in the top 20: **

PS4: 3 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
XB1: 0 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
NIS:  3 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 2 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5


The PS5 Exists. 

Prediction: If Scorpio fails to capture more market share, which it likely won't, I think it is possible that MS might bow out of the direct video game console competition and release something that is completely different using hologram and AR tech, touch screen interfaces, or one of their many other R&D projects.

MS is at first a business and they will not allow this type of sales trend to continue for long after trying hard to compete for almost 3 generations. Every other MS attempt to enter markets other than computer software has underperformed or failed. If Nintendo truly is pioneering the way toward a future game console setup that takes the wind out of the established Xbox hopes and dreams, this will likely push MS into a market all their own. This bow out will not be due to lack of money or inability to keep up, but due to unsubstantiated profit loss and a dead end struggle, similar to when Nintendo decided to do it's own thing versus compete directly in the graphics race. Whatever product they create may have the ability to play games, but the industry is on fire right now and new strategies are going to pop up like popcorn.

Competition can do great things for innovation.

JRPGfan said:
FIT_Gamer said:
Crazy that the Destiny 2(PC) is tracking better than Xbox One.

Wasnt the first game, much bigger on Playstation too?

Highest selling Xbox One on amazon is #136. Seen it be 140+ too.

This is looking like another month where Switch Wins NPD, PS4 comes in at a close 2nd, and Xbox One is miles and miles behinde.

Did we get numbers for PS4 and XB1 in April? 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Around the Network
Jranation said:
JRPGfan said:

Wasnt the first game, much bigger on Playstation too?

Highest selling Xbox One on amazon is #136. Seen it be 140+ too.

This is looking like another month where Switch Wins NPD, PS4 comes in at a close 2nd, and Xbox One is miles and miles behinde.

Did we get numbers for PS4 and XB1 in April? 

No, and unless someone on Neogaf pegged the Switch at 280k in their April prediction thread and miraculously then happened to pick the right numbers for the ps4 and xbox one, it's likely we'll just get a rough estimate in a week or so. Since the Switch and 3Ds did about half of hardware sales, though, it seems like the two probably did pretty typical April numbers. 

I always envisioned Neon Switch beating gray.

RolStoppable said:
Switch on track to win another NPD. Has also good chances to take June, July and August.

The PS4 looks to be taking on the role the XB1 has had for years, meaning that it can win a month here and there when something big is happening for it. Unless I am forgetting about something, September will be the next month that the PS4 wins because of the Destiny 2 release.

I agree that the Switch will probably take the summer months, but can't agree with the second assessment, not yet anyhow. Switch is still in its launch phase, we have no idea how it is going to sell once supply finally catches up to demand, and that may not happen for quite some time, unless Nintendo ups its shipments considerably. The PS4's stock situation was quite sporadic until around April of 2014, and by that time it had sold about 2.9 million systems. I understand they launched at different times, and agree that the Switch is going to be quite popular, but to say that the PS4 is already in 2nd place is jumping the gun a bit, IMHO. 


EDIT: Though if we're only talking about this year, I would agree, as it seems Nintendo is only going to have enough stock to drip feed Switch demand over the coming summer, though I think they'll have enough stock to outsell PS4's typical summer performances, save perhaps for June (though without an Arkham Knight style game, I would doubt that month will be much different). 

Jranation said:
JRPGfan said:

Wasnt the first game, much bigger on Playstation too?

Highest selling Xbox One on amazon is #136. Seen it be 140+ too.

This is looking like another month where Switch Wins NPD, PS4 comes in at a close 2nd, and Xbox One is miles and miles behinde.

Did we get numbers for PS4 and XB1 in April? 

Switch was around 280k right?  (from neogaf)

and Nintendo said that it sold about "half" of all consoles hardware, if you counted Switch+3DS.

That put Xbox One + Playstation 4, around 350k (or just over).

That probably splits to something like 240-250k PS4's and 100-110k Xbox One's.

It was a pretty slow month for xbox.

JRPGfan said:
Jranation said:

Did we get numbers for PS4 and XB1 in April? 

Switch was around 280k right?  (from neogaf)

and Nintendo said that it sold about "half" of all consoles hardware, if you counted Switch+3DS.

That put Xbox One + Playstation 4, around 350k (or just over).

That probably splits to something like 240-250k PS4's and 100-110k Xbox One's.

It was a pretty slow month for xbox.

Ever since the news about the NES mini being the second most sold system came out, I've been wondering if it is actually included in the 50%.