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Prediction: If Scorpio fails to capture more market share, which it likely won't, I think it is possible that MS might bow out of the direct video game console competition and release something that is completely different using hologram and AR tech, touch screen interfaces, or one of their many other R&D projects.

MS is at first a business and they will not allow this type of sales trend to continue for long after trying hard to compete for almost 3 generations. Every other MS attempt to enter markets other than computer software has underperformed or failed. If Nintendo truly is pioneering the way toward a future game console setup that takes the wind out of the established Xbox hopes and dreams, this will likely push MS into a market all their own. This bow out will not be due to lack of money or inability to keep up, but due to unsubstantiated profit loss and a dead end struggle, similar to when Nintendo decided to do it's own thing versus compete directly in the graphics race. Whatever product they create may have the ability to play games, but the industry is on fire right now and new strategies are going to pop up like popcorn.

Competition can do great things for innovation.