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RolStoppable said:
Switch on track to win another NPD. Has also good chances to take June, July and August.

The PS4 looks to be taking on the role the XB1 has had for years, meaning that it can win a month here and there when something big is happening for it. Unless I am forgetting about something, September will be the next month that the PS4 wins because of the Destiny 2 release.

I agree that the Switch will probably take the summer months, but can't agree with the second assessment, not yet anyhow. Switch is still in its launch phase, we have no idea how it is going to sell once supply finally catches up to demand, and that may not happen for quite some time, unless Nintendo ups its shipments considerably. The PS4's stock situation was quite sporadic until around April of 2014, and by that time it had sold about 2.9 million systems. I understand they launched at different times, and agree that the Switch is going to be quite popular, but to say that the PS4 is already in 2nd place is jumping the gun a bit, IMHO. 


EDIT: Though if we're only talking about this year, I would agree, as it seems Nintendo is only going to have enough stock to drip feed Switch demand over the coming summer, though I think they'll have enough stock to outsell PS4's typical summer performances, save perhaps for June (though without an Arkham Knight style game, I would doubt that month will be much different).