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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Genres You Want to Come Back?

For me, there's one franchise above them all: TimeSplitters!!! I love those games to death. I guess that'd fall in the fast-paced FPS subgenre? Different from the slower-paced ones we normally get.

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arcade racers, like Burnout and PGR

Driveclub was the last great game in that genre for me, and that wasn't even that arcade-y

Typing games. Typing of the Dead was beast on Dreamcast.


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Old 3D Zelda. I know, not a genre, but with BotW changing the formula there's no other game that plays like it and I already miss it. Doesn't even need to be Zelda, just give me more games with that gameplay. Also, my second choice would be 3D platfomers but thankfully they're already coming back =P

New versions of Road Rash and Rolling Thunder 2.

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Civilization like games on consoles, there used to be tons of it.
Also, turned base RPG on consoles.
Also survival horrors like RE7, also on consoles.
What else? Racing RPGs, also on, you guessed, consoles.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Beat em' Ups. I want a 2.5D Golden Axe IV or something. I spent a lot of time playing these types of games with my brother because you could get a good amount of content and it was 2 player. I understand that today this gameplay is stale but game designers and programmers should be able to reinvigorate the genre.

I want a beat 'em up like River City Ransom using the Arkham engine.

Isometric 3d top-down, rpg's like Baldurs Gate?
Collectathon style 3D platformers?

Beat -en up games (streets of rage, double dragon ect,..).

Unrealistic sports.

-Baseball with robots.
-Football with mutants
-Basketball with women 😉
-Punch Out!

I don't like sports games but I do like fun games!