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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony going third party is an excellent idea for gamers.

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Do you agree?

Yes, I find it reasonable. 186 37.73%
No, I find it is a stupid idea. 307 62.27%
Chazore said:
Barkley said:

No because the meaning behind Valdath's words is that he owns something that he can trade or sell so it's not pointless at all. If you buy a physical copy of a game, you own a physical item that you can do with as you please. If "benefits" behind physical copies are truly irrelevant then maybe you shouldn't have started the discussion of physical ownership and trying to discredit it's supposed benefits in the first place.

"OWNERSHIP. Licensor retains all right, title and interest to the Software, including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, titles, computer codes, audiovisual effects, themes, characters, character names, stories, dialog, settings, artwork, sounds effects, musical works, and moral rights. The Software is protected by United States copyright and trademark law and applicable laws and treaties throughout the world. The Software may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from Licensor. Any persons copying, reproducing or distributing all or any portion of the Software in any manner or medium, will be willfully violating the copyright laws and may be subject to civil and criminal penalties in the US or their local country."

Maybe you should keep back on track rather than continuing the take it off course. Maybe you shouldn't try discrediting the other benefits that can come with going third party as well.

I'm not sure why you keep bringing up all this licensing jargon that I've already stated previously have literally zero bearing on Valadoth's point which is who you quoted in the first place, the extent of your argument is essentially "Don't use that word".

I shouldn't try discrediting the reasons for going third party? Why not that's the subject of this topic. The reason I gave that you shouldn't try and discredit the benefits of physical copies is on the basis that you say this thread isn't about physical vs digital, and that the benefits are off-topic.

You're not making a lot of sense.

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Barkley said:
Chazore said:

You Don't seem to be understanding that you do not own the code contained within the plastic. You own the plastic "cover", but you do not own what is within it. Like the EULA states, you paid to use the license, rather than paid to own said license.

Also this isn't even a thread about physical vs digital, this is about Sony going third party, so bringing "benefits" into this thread has already lost it's purpose.

Saying "owning air isn't good" is just as pointless.

No because the meaning behind Valdath's words is that he owns something that he can trade or sell so it's not pointless at all. If you buy a physical copy of a game, you own a physical item that you can do with as you please. If "benefits" behind physical copies are truly irrelevant then maybe you shouldn't have started the discussion of physical ownership and trying to discredit it's supposed benefits in the first place.

Eh, major stores that use this ecosystem (gain most of their profit though buying and reselling used items) are starting to be shut down. Sure there will always be ebay or amazon, but the days where physical games are being made are numbered (just like cds and even blurays). I'm not saying it will ever be truly pointless as long as there is physical media, but it will definitely become "for the niche audience".

bigtakilla said:
Barkley said:

No because the meaning behind Valdath's words is that he owns something that he can trade or sell so it's not pointless at all. If you buy a physical copy of a game, you own a physical item that you can do with as you please. If "benefits" behind physical copies are truly irrelevant then maybe you shouldn't have started the discussion of physical ownership and trying to discredit it's supposed benefits in the first place.

Eh, major stores that use this ecosystem (gain most of their profit though buying and reselling used items) are starting to be shut down. Sure there will always be ebay or amazon, but the days where physical games are being made are numbered (just like cds and even blurays). I'm not saying it will ever be truly pointless as long as there is physical media, but it will definitely become "for the niche audience".

Sure, physical media will pass in time. Infact I think the eventual future of PlayStation is cloud gaming.

jason1637 said:
VGPolyglot said:
Also, Sony makes so much money from 3rd party software sales, they'd lose all of that going third-party.

None said they had to stop making consoles. They could put there games on PS consoles and PC.

Third-party is going under the assumption that they're not first-party anymore, i.e. they don't make their own consoles.

Speaking as a developer, who is also porting the game to PC on investors demand. IMO PC is cancer for gaming, without consoles, gaming market will crash. Every developer worth his salt and that has developed for AAA games will tell you engine scaling on gazillion of combination of PC hardware efficiently is a pain in the ass, not to mention there are 100 different guidelines from different PC part manufacturers (looking at you Nvidia)

2. Piracy is the biggest threat, smaller developers cant afford to have a strict DRM, coz if the game is any good it will be pirated, and many countries dont have that robust internet or infrastructure to go online only.

3. Multiplayer Hacks Killing the fun, (cant wait to see how Destiny 2 deals with this issue)

4. Trophy and achievement, Why would me as a third party developer put in extra effort to put in those features. if i dont have to go through Sony and MS certification??? Again Not to mention those feature will be hacked to death.

5. Related to graphical settings, this will be like dick measuring competition among publishers and developers, pushing development cost through the roof or long development period.. best example (Star Citizen)

In short Single PC platform will be heaven for gamer's and a hell for developers and publishers, If there was money to be made on PC as much as console, Sony would have been on it and PSnow is just their way recouping cost of gaikai from users outside of playstation eco systems,

TBH I like nintendo's approach... not a powerful hardware, which forces developers to think outside of the box and come up with new idea and fine tune the code to get the best out of the console with less glitchy game. And with Switch they are heading in right direction (in this day and age console's should be hybrid). but nintendo third party relations still needs lot of work.

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Sony going third party is a stupid idea because I like Sony and I have many made up reasons to prove you wrong.

VGPolyglot said:
jason1637 said:

None said they had to stop making consoles. They could put there games on PS consoles and PC.

Third-party is going under the assumption that they're not first-party anymore, i.e. they don't make their own consoles.

They could still make consoles and put there games on PC/ PS4.

When Microsoft started having play anywhere and putting games on PC in June 2016 the XB1 sold 6.6m from June-Jan 2016 compared to 6.5m in june 2015-jan 2016 and in 2016 they started putting there games on PC and console sales was still up so i imagine the same can happen wiht Sony.

jason1637 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Third-party is going under the assumption that they're not first-party anymore, i.e. they don't make their own consoles.

They could still make consoles and put there games on PC/ PS4.

When Microsoft started having play anywhere and putting games on PC in June 2016 the XB1 sold 6.6m from June-Jan 2016 compared to 6.5m in june 2015-jan 2016 and in 2016 they started putting there games on PC and console sales was still up so i imagine the same can happen wiht Sony.

Read the OP. He mentions not having to deal with the limitations of the PS4, implying that they wouldn't make games for it.

Barkley said:

No because Sony make the best hardware, and I like to play on consoles. 


Sony is pretty good about OS and features, and they are good at balanceing out hardware (PS3 was a mistake).

Their pretty damn fair when it comes to performance/price (value) (usually more so than nintendo or ms).

It would be a shame if they stopped makeing hardware imo.

CGI-Quality said:
A reactionary thread. Oh goodie! Now why should I leave it open?

Orders from the king, m'lord. (There's supposed to be a LOTR gif here)