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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Does ‘Too Human’ Really Needs To Be A Trilogy


A New Hope was not expected to be the first movie in a trilogy. The resulting success gave George Lucas that opportunity. A New Hope was a self contained story. The movie had a true story arc. He knew he probably would only get one shot to share a snapshot of his vision. So he picked out the best part, and then fleshed that out.

The second trilogy was obviously a planned trilogy. However it was probably only a trilogy due to the fact that the first three movies were a trilogy so the mold was set. However if you compare the Phantom Menace and A New Hope. You will plainly see the lead effect for the next film.

Frankly thanks to A New Hope I don't think we have gotten a decent trilogy on the big screen yet. They are technically trilogies, but the story arcs in both sets are mangled by the stand alone story that was A New Hope.

Lord of The Rings wasn't even a mediocre trilogy. The story was entirely linear, and the books could never translate into a decent theatrical experience. No plodding narrative should ever be converted into a movie or a string of movies. Outside of literature we haven't gotten a single working trilogy yet.

I think this should be a wonderful experiment to watch. Nobody has actually succeeded in either film or gaming. Here we have the outright intent to do a trilogy, and we probably have a story that will not succumb to a lost in translation experience.

I doubt even Mass Effect qualifies. I suppose we will have to see if the story has enough cross structure, but initially the first game seems to have been very self contained. I have the feeling that Bioware played it safe.

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DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
DMeisterJ said:
What is up with every game needing to be a trilogy.

Is this game even going to be trilogy-worthy?

We wait with baited breath to find out. The latest previews are very promising, and I think that Microsoft has enough riding on the game that they'll have made sure a lot of effort went into it. That said, a big publisher putting effort into a game doesn't always work out. Cough, Lair.


That hurt.

That wound is still really raw, and it's been eight months.


Lol, I love Lair, that game carries a metaphor for any situation.


I don't think this game will be a genre-defining RPG, but I think it will be an excellent title that will hopefully carry an average score of around 85. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I think its also an economic reason, splitting the costs around three games makes a lot of sense, I just hope that each game has a proper ending (I'm looking at you Assassin's Creed!!)

Good example would be Mass Effect as stated by everyone else before me.. The ending rocked, the mission was completed, and the Universe still has a few unaswered questions that makes me want to purchase the second installment..

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Do the character models still fall into the "uncanny valley" like some of the first screens I saw of this game? If so, I will pass until I hear reviews....

OT: Every game should strive to be a complete work without depending on a sequel. Zelda is a great example of this. In movie terms, the first Pirates of the Caribbean was also good at this (though the 2nd was just a ploy to make the third). I do understand the need to create volumes for a very large work (LOTR as example).

So does Too Human need to be a trilogy? I cannot say unless I heard the full story and played the game...

super_etecoon said:

Sounds like Star Wars.

Dennis Dyack takes himself just a bit too seriously. They've been working on this game since 1991 (at least in concept) and I think he's in for one hell of an ice bucket when it hits stores.

 Only sounds like Star Wars from the perspective of Darth Vader.

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No it doesn't need to be a trilogy.

I'm really not too hyped about Too Human....I'll have to see some gamer opinions before I buy that one. Its just had too many problems in development for me to get hyped up.

I'll stay "interested," but I won't get excited for it.  Lol, I learned my lesson from Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom (I was stoked for it)...the most dreadful game of the year so far.

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