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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 2017-04-12 Nintendo Direct minmin horde day

XSEED is a big Switch supporter, will be making announcements “soon”

  Posted on April 10, 2017 by Brian(@NE_Brian) in NewsSwitch


XSEED often tends to support Nintendo platforms. Even when the Wii U was winding down, the publisher brought Shantae: Half-Genie Hero and Exile’s End to Wii U by working with WayForward and Magnetic Realms respectively.

With Switch, XSEED once again has plans to support a Nintendo system. A representative from the company told one fan that announcements will be made “soon”. Although, mysteriously, “it may not specifically be for the titles and series you’re looking for.”

XSEED said:

“We are big supporters of the Switch so you’ll definitely be seeing some announcements about it from us soon, though it may not specifically be for the titles and series you’re looking for.”


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Holy fuck!!! A nice strategy for Nintendo!

Putting a Brand new IP and their bigget new IP together!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Let's predict:

- Release dates for both Arms and Splatoon 2
- Lots of gameplay and reveals about both (well, duh)
- Fast recap of upcoming 3DS games
- One last thing: Gameplay trailer of Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch version, possibly with release date)

If it's "only" that, I'll already be pretty satisfied.

EDIT: Btw, I'm guessing Arms will release during May, Splatoon 2 at July and Fire Emblem Warriors at August, just a guess based on some things.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

Hopefully the 3DS part has some localization announcements, I wouldn't mind trying that weird Miitopia game...

Ill watch it if I'm up I guess. Not interested in Arms or Splatoon.

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OK, I guess I'll be at work, so I won't be able to watch it.

When they say they are focusing on a game I've learned to take it as "we won't be talking about anything else of importance." So I'm at most expecting indies on the side...


Wonder if they'll give a teaser for Odyssey during this as well.

I had Splatoon 2 pegged as an August release, but with how much they've been talking about it, launching as early as June feels like a real possibility now. Giving it a more specific direct now instead of waiting until E3 is pretty telling I think. Oh, and it's nice to finally get news on ARMS, we haven't learned anything about the game since it's reveal.

I loved my 3ds, and I thought I'd be interested in continuing to play it after the switch came out, but man was I wrong. It is just so hard to go from one amazing portable system to something that looks like gamecube graphics and limitations.