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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 2017-04-12 Nintendo Direct minmin horde day

At first I thought the spelling of InKoming was a reference to Mortal Kombat coming to Switch. Kinda let down now.

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Well release dates are a given for Arms and Splatoon 2 now. I hear Arms to come out in May(rumor?) and Splatoon in June? Crazy they can release two 1st party titles that close to each other. I just hope that Splatoon 2 has split screen. That was the only reason why I didn't get the 1st one.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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SegataSanshiro said:
At first I thought the spelling of InKoming was a reference to Mortal Kombat coming to Switch. Kinda let down now.

Mortal Kombat: Splatoon DLC for the Switch? What could Inkling's fatality be?

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Darwinianevolution said:
SegataSanshiro said:
At first I thought the spelling of InKoming was a reference to Mortal Kombat coming to Switch. Kinda let down now.

Mortal Kombat: Splatoon DLC for the Switch? What could Inkling's fatality be?

Rip the Squid in half but the Squid grows it all back like a Planaria Worm.

Ultrashroomz said:

This is the boldest of boldest predictions, in fact I'm so confident it won't happen that if it does, I will eat my private parts off with a side of lemon live on camera:


(And to clarify, I mean a Persona spinoff like Persona Q for the 3DS, no way in hell 5 will be on Switch.)

As much as I want to this if Persona 5 does come to the Switch then its too soon to be annouced considering its English release will only be 8 days old by the time of this direct.

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Peh said:
:( Midnight in Germany. What a bad time to choose...

Yeah, just when the COMG! Charts comes out, stupid timing Nintendo...

Yes! Can't wait! I knew they would have one direct before E3 as they usually do!

twintail said:
Darwinianevolution said:

Don't worry, we all suffer from sleep depravation here. ;)

But Persona 5 on the Switch makes too much sense. If it were just a Sony thing, wouldn't it had gone to the Vita? There is a SMT audience on Nintendo devices, and Persona is the more popular and accessible spinoff, so it would make sense to think it would sell well. If it doesn't come to the console, there is something we aren't seeing here.

Im not really seeing the connection between your points. It didnt come to Vita because clearly it was designed for much stronger hardware. And Portable Persona doesnt use release until a few ears after anyhow (at least traditionally). 

The SMT and Persona audiences are not necessarily the same since both IPs focus on very different things. I am sure a Siwtch port is underway, but if it didnt come there would be nothing unexpected about it. After all, the Wii never got a Persona, nor did the DS or WiiU (the former 2 were amazing sales wise). 3DS didnt ever get a mainline Persona, just a spinoff in the spirit of the Nintendo focussed IP EQ.

Persona 5 was going to be a PS3 only game until Sony convinced Atlus to bring it over to the PS4 too. If there's a PS3 version, you can adapt it to the Vita. And during the Wii-WiiU and DS-3DS era, Sony had handhelds to release Persona games on. Now, the Switch is the only modern dedicated handheld on the market, with the Vita still going around but without any option of recovery nor succession. Plus, if the Switch is as easy to port and develop for as Nintendo and indies claim, there would be no finantial reason to not try it.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Perfect timing for me... to go to sleep and read about it the next morning.

In any case, I doubt they'll show anything else beyond those two games. E3 is in two months and they'll probably keep the surprises for then.

Please excuse my bad English.

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Exciting! Hopefully launch dates for Splatoon 2 and ARMs, nice to see the 3DS is still being supported

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