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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How long do your gaming sessions last?


On the days that you actually sit down and play video games, how long do you play for?

1 hour 16 14.16%
2 hours 41 36.28%
3 hours 18 15.93%
4 hours 12 10.62%
5 hours 9 7.96%
6 hours 6 5.31%
7 hours 1 0.88%
8 hours 5 4.42%
9 hours 0 0%
10+ hours 5 4.42%

How long do you typically play in a single day? What's the longest you've ever played?

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Fighting games: 2-4 hours

Single player games: 2 hours at the most

They never end.

When I do play, usually 1-2 hours.

The longest I ever played was when I was a kid, probably around 6 hours with either Pokemon Blue, or Mario 64.

My timeframes vary greatly. Sometimes it is 20 minutes, other times it is 12 hours. Usually though it is closer to 2-3 hours.

My longest ever though was probably 40 or so hours while raiding in an old MMO.

Around the Network

Depends. If I'm off work they can span around 4-5 hrs a pop, but if I am working 1-3 hours, sometimes even 1. The rest would be spent watching movies/shows/reading.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

On average probably 2 hours a day. Sessions usually last an hour.

Breath of the Wild kinda threw that formula out the window though. I think I spent 9 hours one day playing it.

Usually 2 to 3 hours a day. I mostly game at night. With BotW my average daily play time went up to just over 6 hours (172 hours in 28 days) thanks to handheld mode. The longest game session I've had was probably on Everquest. I could start that at noon on a Saturday and play until 7 am Sunday. The bachelor life, get groceries etc done in the morning, no responsibilities, order in pizza, play all day and night.

If I can really get into a game, 6 hours.

1 hour max except if I can do the combination collecting/grinding + youtube/Netflix/podcast..

I spend mostly a lot of time in a day when I am completing the game (like trophies) I rushed trough the r&c games.