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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Blizzard Designer: Hearthstone On Switch Is "A Good Discussion Worth Having "

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It would work well on the Switch, as it's already works well on tablets and smartphones

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That would be awesome.

I was addicted to this game for about 2 months years ago, it was pretty good, It would be cool to have it on Switch

More options is better. Not my kind of game (love Diablo tho) I welcome anything Blizzard brings over.

Would love to have it on PS4. Switch would benefit greatly from it too; lord knows it needs more games right now.

Best system for it and easiest to port in terms of keeping the interface the same would probably be Vita (not that anyone would really play it on it though).

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Yeah, it could be a a great fit on the console. VOEZ works well on it, so this can too.



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DarthVolod said:

Would love to have it on PS4. Switch would benefit greatly from it too; lord knows it needs more games right now.

Best system for it and easiest to port in terms of keeping the interface the same would probably be Vita (not that anyone would really play it on it though).

Out of curiosity, why would it be easiest on Vita?

RolStoppable said:
If vivster likes it, then I don't want it.

But I actually hate it. Like all useless things I spend too much money on just to have another disappointment. Hearthstone and Switch are the perfect fit for each other.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Didn't they tease it back when the Switch was first revealed? With a tweet or something?

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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vivster said:
RolStoppable said:
If vivster likes it, then I don't want it.

But I actually hate it. Like all useless things I spend too much money on just to have another disappointment. Hearthstone and Switch are the perfect fit for each other.

Is there something in life that doesn't dissapoint you though?