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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U is really underpower ?

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What you think ?

Yes 79 47.59%
no 68 40.96%
see the results 19 11.45%

Nintendo just knows how to work with what they have. thats why so many people want them to take the jump and make a new powerhouse console like they did in the 80's. they would have the best IP's, the best graphics, and 3rd parties would praise them

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When their biggest franchises are concerned (Mario/Mario Kart/Smash) Nintendo has always been able to push the limits of their hardware farther than seems possible given the other games.

Mario Kart 8 was indeed gorgeous, still don't know how they did it.

Johnw1104 said:
When their biggest franchises are concerned (Mario/Mario Kart/Smash) Nintendo has always been able to push the limits of their hardware farther than seems possible given the other games.

Mario Kart 8 was indeed gorgeous, still don't know how they did it.

It is aesthetically pleasing. But I wouldn't call Mario Kart 8 a graphical powerhouse.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

It's underpowered, because when it was released it was underpowered against the consoles that it would eventually compete against in its generation (PS4/XB1). However, whoever says it's weaker than X360 or PS3 is trolling. Specs are better by a decent margin.

Had it been released when the PS3 was, it'd be a beast (aside from the fact the the online play was still way behind).

Have you play Smash Wii U 8 players (4 clouds) or eve 8 clouds? it gets really laggy like 30fps or less.

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It is underpowered but still capable of producing some decent looking games.

monocle_layton said:
maxleresistant said:
yes it is. Or it was.

It's mainly what killed it.

lack of power wasn't the only problem.


PowerPC and bad marketing also killed it. Bad marketing in general really hurt it.

If the Switch was successful and we get a Nintendo Switch-ABC or whatever, I am sure it would do bad. People know that an Xbox One or a PS4 is an entirely new console- however, everyone thought the Wii U was just an upgrade (along with me)

"It's mainly what killed it."

"lack of power wasn't the only problem." 


Mainly (definition) : for the most part 

mainly =/= entirely