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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

Nem said:
sc94597 said:

From his website 

"The frenzy surrounding The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a whole new level of fan overreaction, and this is coming from someone who’s seen what happens when you say Uncharted isn’t perfect.

When they’re not busy launching DDoS attacks against outlets that didn’t like the game as much as they did, they’re being really very angry at Horizon: Zero Dawn, a game with very little connection to Zelda but has become a popular target of BotW‘s most delirious fanbabies.

Both games are huge open world experiences, and both are exclusive to particular consoles. This is of course a recipe for disaster where the two games were destined to be compared in the most vitriolic ways imaginable. Plenty of Nintendo’s zealots were furious when they learned of my own highly favorable review, and if you believe them, Zero Dawn‘s fanbase has had an axe to grind against Breath of the Wild for a long time.

The reality, however, is not quite as these wearers of green, pointy, tinfoil-lined hats would lead you to believe."


Is he fucking serious? It were BOTW fans who bombed Horizon's user score? And not the opposite scenario? Guess which user score applies to which game. 

 Now his intentions behind his shitty review are quite clear. He is bitter that BotW scored better than Horizon: Zero Dawn, a game he really likes. 

"Perusing the user reviews for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, there is very little evidence to suggest Horizon‘s zealous devotees (I’m sure it has them) have been orchestrating anything of the sort.  Yes, a handful of user reviews that gave Zelda a 0 also gave Horizon a 10. Going over the accounts myself, I’ve been able to spot a grand total of two users that did it.

Both skilly225 and Skyerls-Pidar fit the profile of somebody who is theoretically spiting Breath of the Wild in some irrational attempt to elevate Zero Dawn. Even among those two, only one of them has a clear axe to grind against Nintendo games – Skylerlst is clearly creaming themselves over PlayStation titles and applying zeroes to Nintendo’s output. The other one has rated various Nintendo games highly and claims to predominantly be a PC user.

If we expand the search to 1/10 reviews, we can find some more evidence. Lampiaobr is blatantly on Metacritic for one specific purpose, and AmazedBunion gave Horizon an 8… while also giving Black Ops III a 9/10. They might just be doing their own bizarre thing.

As we go through the 2/10 scores and 3/10 scores, any Horizon in the history of the reviewers seems to evaporate entirely. Meanwhile, the vast majority of negative reviews appear to be genuinely critical of various aspects of the game or are random drive-by shitposts that have no ulterior motive other than to kick the wasp’s nest.

What happens, however, if we flip the script? How many reviewers who gave Breath of the Wild a perfect 10 went ahead and slapped a big ol’ zilch on a scathing writeup of Guerilla Games’ production?

Say hello to Jimmyrustle22, estenoriega, MORJ, Linknlogs227, ivanmd09, navaga, csgopro, and ivand88! That’s just a selection of users who simultaneously wrote reviews issuing a 0/10 for Horizon and a 10/10 for Zelda.

They’re not the only ones, either. Here’s a negative Zero Dawn review from skysayrain that cheerily admits to what they’re doing:

“The game score is way too high,” they said of Horizon. “Don’t have the game will buy it, probably will enjoy it. giving this game 0 out of 10 in the name of Zelda for all those PS fan boys. good day! =)”"


So, presented with evidence you attack the one presenting you the evidence? For shame!

Also, he didnt say it was the zelda fans that bombed Horizon's score. But that there were more that did it than the other way around.

See, thing about Jim is, he isn't attacking the game. He is attacking the fans (who attacked him first). And i applaud him for that. These reactions are shameful and we should be above them.

Where did he ever get the impression from that the majority of zelda fans were accusig the Horizon fanbase of metabombing? Jim isn't allowed to make baseless accusations against a large group of people, either. 

Most of what I saw did not specifically target anyone - just that the metabombing was present (which is accurate, if you look at any user review aggregate that verifies if people have the game or not.)

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Nem said:

So, presented with evidence you attack the one presenting you the evidence? For shame!

Also, he didnt say it was the zelda fans that bombed Horizon's score. But that there were more that did it than the other way around.

See, thing about Jim is, he isn't attacking the game. He is attacking the fans (who attacked him first). And i applaud him for that. These reactions are shameful and we should be above them.

When presented with cherry-picked "evidence", certainly. Notice how he has to categorize the reviews by their score, as if a 0 is any worse than a 1 when neither reviewer played the game. Furthermore, he makes the assumption that none of the people who voted a zero for BoTW and did not vote anything for Horizon are Horizon (or Sony fans.) A positive review entails more work than a negative review, because you are actually reviewing the game and not pretending to. For most of the voters, the 0 for BOTW is their only review, likely newly created accounts for that sole purpose. You also can find plenty of people who gave 10's to Nioh, Bloodborne, Demon's Souls, etc are the ones doing the 0's in BoTW comments, and since you can't see all of their reviews/ratings on their page (only the most recently voted high one) , you don't know if they also voted 10 for Horizon or not. 

"There were more that did it than the other way around." How can he make that conclusion from his cherry-picked examples?  Here are a dozen links, including many Jim somehow skimmed over in his "investigation."  And there are also the points I brought up about not all reviews are shown on a profile, yet they still affect the score. There are >7000 BOTW user reviews, but only a hundred or so show up on the Metacritic page. (Reviewed Mar 4th) (Reviewed Mar 3rd)

Three of the links in Jim's article for Nintendo fans either have no reviews or there is no account, so he even inflated his "evidence" with false examples, but I am sure you didn't check that.

What is  "for shame" is that you didn't look into it yourself. 

sc94597 said:
Nem said:

So, presented with evidence you attack the one presenting you the evidence? For shame!

Also, he didnt say it was the zelda fans that bombed Horizon's score. But that there were more that did it than the other way around.

See, thing about Jim is, he isn't attacking the game. He is attacking the fans (who attacked him first). And i applaud him for that. These reactions are shameful and we should be above them.

When presented with cherry-picked "evidence", certainly. Notice how he has to categorize the reviews by their score, as if a 0 is any worse than a 1 when neither reviewer played the game. Furthermore, he makes the assumption that none of the people who voted a zero for BoTW and did not vote anything for Horizon are Horizon (or Sony fans.) A positive review entails more work than a negative review, because you are actually reviewing the game and not pretending to. For most of the voters, the 0 for BOTW is their only review, likely newly created accounts for that sole purpose. You also can find plenty of people who gave 10's to Nioh, Bloodborne, Demon's Souls, etc are the ones doing the 0's in BoTW comments, and since you can't see all of their reviews on their page (only the most recently voted high one) , you don't know if they also voted 10 for Horizon or not. 

"There were more that did it than the other way around." How can he make that conclusion from his cherry-picked examples?  Here are a dozen links, including many Jim somehow skimmed over in his "investigation."  And there are also the points I brought up about not all reviews are shown on a profile, yet they still affect the score. There are >7000 BOTW user reviews, but only a hundred or so show up on the Metacritic page. (Reviewed Mar 4th) (Reviewed Mar 3rd)

Three of the links in Jim's article for Nintendo fans either have no reviews or there is no account, so he even inflated his "evidence" with false examples, but I am sure you didn't check that.

What is  "for shame" is that you didn't look into it yourself. 

Lol, Jim just got exposed as a desperate fraud. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

irstupid said:
Azuren said:

50+ hours in.


1. Motion puzzles are garbage.

2. I wish I could keep track of my weapons' durability. 

3. Button placements for sprint and jump are trash.

4. Locking content (Epona, Hero Tunic, etc) behind difficult to find IRL toys is bullshit.

Anything on Amiibo is pointless. You can find horses in game that are as good or better than Epons.

The tunics are just asthetic things. The actual game has it's own hero tunic, that does the same bonuses as the amiibo ones do, and I think might be stronger as well. So the amiibo ones are basically just a costume.

See, and if that was digital content I could just buy, that'd be fine. It is, after all, just aesthetics. 


Except I can't get it. Regardless of the usefulness (or lack thereof), content shouldn't be hidden inside collectible IRL figurines. 

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

Check out my Twitch Channel!:

sc94597 said:
Nem said:

So, presented with evidence you attack the one presenting you the evidence? For shame!

Also, he didnt say it was the zelda fans that bombed Horizon's score. But that there were more that did it than the other way around.

See, thing about Jim is, he isn't attacking the game. He is attacking the fans (who attacked him first). And i applaud him for that. These reactions are shameful and we should be above them.

When presented with cherry-picked "evidence", certainly. Notice how he has to categorize the reviews by their score, as if a 0 is any worse than a 1 when neither reviewer played the game. Furthermore, he makes the assumption that none of the people who voted a zero for BoTW and did not vote anything for Horizon are Horizon (or Sony fans.) A positive review entails more work than a negative review, because you are actually reviewing the game and not pretending to. For most of the voters, the 0 for BOTW is their only review, likely newly created accounts for that sole purpose. You also can find plenty of people who gave 10's to Nioh, Bloodborne, Demon's Souls, etc are the ones doing the 0's in BoTW comments, and since you can't see all of their reviews/ratings on their page (only the most recently voted high one) , you don't know if they also voted 10 for Horizon or not. 

"There were more that did it than the other way around." How can he make that conclusion from his cherry-picked examples?  Here are a dozen links, including many Jim somehow skimmed over in his "investigation."  And there are also the points I brought up about not all reviews are shown on a profile, yet they still affect the score. There are >7000 BOTW user reviews, but only a hundred or so show up on the Metacritic page. (Reviewed Mar 4th) (Reviewed Mar 3rd)

Three of the links in Jim's article for Nintendo fans either have no reviews or there is no account, so he even inflated his "evidence" with false examples, but I am sure you didn't check that.

What is  "for shame" is that you didn't look into it yourself. 

Your examples are insane.

First you are linking 7/10's, wich are beyond the scope of metabombing and relations to other games aswell. That is not what he is talking about.

Also, are those fakes or are those people who took them down after he named them? Hm? The desperation continues.

All this cause he made a justified 7/10 review hm? How terrible he is and how self-righteous Zelda fans are! This is beyond ridiculous.

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Suddenly metaritic user score is relevant while a few posts back then, some ppl told me to avoid it as cancer... meh

I said at one point in this thread that "Jim knows what he is doing."

He posted the review on Sunday, was DDoSed by Monday morning, ran a Jimquisition about it that afternoon, wrote another article about it on Wednesday, and on Thursday, here we are still talking about him.

No bad mileage for a review of a game that came out nine days prior to the review being posted.

Jim knows what he's doing.

All scores should be a 7/10 to Zelda !

Kidding aside, it's a 7/10, not a 4/10 like in the case of Uncharted4 or Halo4, where of course you can say it's a clickbait or biased or even worst, they got paid or received incentives from Company X.

And Metacritic means nothing : I consider Horizon a far better game than GTAV, even though GTAV received a higher metacritic. +/- 5 points on Meta means nothing, it's just a matter of general taste, opinion.

This discussion about Zelda being at 97, deserving a 98, it's just stuff for zealots and hot fans.
Just wait for some clickbait reviews, and the Game will go to 94/95, as it happened to Uncharted4. This will change the quality of the Game ? of course not...

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

Nate4Drake said:
This discussion about Zelda being at 97, deserving a 98, it's just stuff for Zealdots and hot fans.

fixed your post.

sc94597 said:

From his website 

"The frenzy surrounding The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a whole new level of fan overreaction, and this is coming from someone who’s seen what happens when you say Uncharted isn’t perfect.

When they’re not busy launching DDoS attacks against outlets that didn’t like the game as much as they did, they’re being really very angry at Horizon: Zero Dawn, a game with very little connection to Zelda but has become a popular target of BotW‘s most delirious fanbabies.

Both games are huge open world experiences, and both are exclusive to particular consoles. This is of course a recipe for disaster where the two games were destined to be compared in the most vitriolic ways imaginable. Plenty of Nintendo’s zealots were furious when they learned of my own highly favorable review, and if you believe them, Zero Dawn‘s fanbase has had an axe to grind against Breath of the Wild for a long time.

The reality, however, is not quite as these wearers of green, pointy, tinfoil-lined hats would lead you to believe."


Is he fucking serious? It were BOTW fans who bombed Horizon's user score? And not the opposite scenario? Guess which user score applies to which game. 

 Now his intentions behind his shitty review are quite clear. He is bitter that BotW scored better than Horizon: Zero Dawn, a game he really likes. 

Why did I get the feeling that only the Zelda fanbase is the evil culprit here? Not like this also happens the otherway around. But Jim only shows one side of the coin and how he is the victime in all of this while throwing more fuel into the fire. He sure loves the attention.

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