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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

specialk said:
Well now I really want to read the review. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Looks like Jim will get the best of this exchange.

Jim always gets the best out of these exchanges. Thank God for Jim!

But seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Far too much self-worth and self-respect tied up in video game franchises.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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His review was poor, not just the score he gave it, how he wrote it just doesn't make sense. I still believe he did this for attention and this is the attention he deserves.

(DDOS attacks is stepping over the line)

There are millions of Zelda fans, it only takes one bad apple to ddos a site (if the accusation is even true because the site always worked for me, even when the news was new), but he uses it to condemn an entire fanbase. If this was directed at black people he'd be considered a racist pos. Just saying.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

Mr_No said:
Why is this such a thing? You can disagree, without resorting to this petty behavior like this. What point are they trying to prove by DDOSing a reviewer who posted a review which didn't cater to the overall metascore?

Jim's reviews do normally contribute to metascore, and the accusation is that the meta went down from 98 (near perfect) to 97 (almost near perfect) as a result. Clearly a 97 metascore for a Zelda game is an outrage.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


7 for Zelda is not nearly as bad as 5 for Vanquish.

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binary solo said:
Mr_No said:
Why is this such a thing? You can disagree, without resorting to this petty behavior like this. What point are they trying to prove by DDOSing a reviewer who posted a review which didn't cater to the overall metascore?

Jim's reviews do normally contribute to metascore, and the accusation is that the meta went down from 98 (near perfect) to 97 (almost near perfect) as a result. Clearly a 97 metascore for a Zelda game is an outrage.

Maybe it's to show that a 97 is not the end of the world. I don't get this outrage.

Wright said:

Regardless of your opinion on the score itself, attacking a person (or his website) for his subjective valoration of a videogame should never be a course of action.

he should have known better tough, his review was obviously trolling for attention and a grief against nintendo 

Ruler said:
Wright said:

Regardless of your opinion on the score itself, attacking a person (or his website) for his subjective valoration of a videogame should never be a course of action.

he should have known better tough, his review was obviously trolling for attention and a grief against nintendo 

Or he thought the game was just good and not the best game ever and so he wrote his opinion.

Dunno why people think Jim has grief against Nintendo. He calls Nintendo out on things he think Nintendo does badly. But he gives plenty of praise where it's due. Basically the same for all companies in the video game industry.

But he thinks Switch is all right not awesome, and he things BoTW is good, but not game of the century, so that means he must hate Nintendo.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


OdinHades said:
It's actually a good review. I bet most people didn't even read it and just gez mad because of the silly score.

Their are problems with the review (ripped from someone else which I agree with)

-His problems with the combat come down to "I am bad at it and unimaginative"

-He apparently has no idea pins and stamps exist

-He never noticed that the rain hinders climbing in a way that encourages exploration, not discourage it

-He thinks he can run faster than Link

-He hoarded 'good' weapons, afraid to break them... not apparently noticing that good weapons only get more plentiful as the game progresses

-He doesn't like that some optional paths are more difficult than other optional paths 

Score for the review: 7/10

zero129 said:
Intrinsic said:

Even PSN and XBL has gotten DDOS'd....... you think they are running it off a rasberry too?

This is just silly nonsense from a certain subset of users. Yet you somehow try and turn it into something the site owner is plotting as opposed to focus on the lowlifes that did it to begin with?

He's lucky he didnt give the game a 5/10. Probably would have been getting death threats. And I thought sony fans were bad.

So your trying to say Nintendo fans are worse then Sony fans?. Heres a hint for you. All Hardcore Fanboys are a problem not just nintendo ones.

I do have to ask, though, when's the last time a Sony or MS fan ranted over a freaking 7/10 review?  Maybe a 5, when everyone else was giving it 8s, 9s, and 10s, but a 7?  And even if they were upset, they then went and crashed the site of the reviewer who posted the 7?  And are still ranting about it and trying to hack into his personal accounts?  I'm going to guess it's either been a REALLY long time, or it hasn't happened.

Personally, I think some Nintendo fans are going nuts cause they know Nintendo NEEDS this console to be a success.  Of course, they are so out of their minds they haven't realized that a 97 is an incredible score to have.  And a 7 is a GOOD score.