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Forums - General Discussion - Debate: When does a review turn into a troll review/clickbait?

When you sound hyperbolic and spread misinformation.

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I usually find a review to be clickbait if it's written in an inflammatory way, or seems like it was written with it's score decided before they even played the game.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

camilosanchez16 said: Looks like TheJimquisition is also a troll review, just read it and look it's pictures, don't know why people is defending him saying he was objetive and serious. Come on people, naming a horse My Dick, making jokes about it and publishing a review with it on it is a profesional review?

His review reads like a teen doing a user review on some forum. I don't know why people rate him so high. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

When it's hypocritical.

vivster said:
The problem is that people don't realize that there are 2 thought schools of review scores.

The first one is to try to assess the sum of a games merits and adjust accordingly to its failures. Those are the mid to high reviews.
The other is going by fun factor. Judging a game on how much you enjoyed it overall without taking into account the individual merits or failures. The score is based on what feeling you left the game with. Those are the very high and very low reviews.

Neither of them is right or wrong.

What is wrong however is calling every review score you don't like "clickbait".

Yes! That I hate so much: How many times some reviewer bad mouthed a masterpiece because it "did not had everything on the checklist", like online multiplayer, or it wasn´t open world. Like a game have to be all things all time.

The "merits" of the game often are checks in a list this reviewer has.

Also, a lot of these reviewers are not real gamers, they play so much stuff, their taste is tainted 

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.