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Forums - General Discussion - Would you punch a panda in the eye if you had a chance?

lolita said:
highwaystar101 said:
lolita said:
Nuuuuu pandas are cute! If I could I would hug one! They look like huge plushies! <333

I don't think pandas like being hugged sorry.

And that's why I said IF I COULD....

 OK OK, I would rather hug one as well.


OY: This actually came about rom a Harry Hill joke, no-one actually wants to punch a Panda do they? It's not a good thin.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
lolita said:
Nuuuuu pandas are cute! If I could I would hug one! They look like huge plushies! <333

King tigers and grizzly bears also look like big plushies.

And all three will do the same thing to you if you try to hug them.

 Yeah. *sad* I love them big kitties and teddies and panda-boo! <3 They just look so cuuute!

X_X Cuteness overkill. 

No way! I'm not trying to get a big claw to the face.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Fucking Pandas! Think they're better than me....I'm gonna go punch one right now!
*storms out of forum*

in other news, random internet nerd mauled to death by a panda. Apparently, he forgot it was a FRIGGIN' BEAR.

lolita said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
lolita said:
Nuuuuu pandas are cute! If I could I would hug one! They look like huge plushies! <333

King tigers and grizzly bears also look like big plushies.

And all three will do the same thing to you if you try to hug them.

Yeah. *sad* I love them big kitties and teddies and panda-boo! <3 They just look so cuuute!

X_X Cuteness overkill.

Around the Network

^I see those pictures and see "Lunch" written into every one of those tigers' eyes.

I remember the first time I saw a king tiger at the zoo. Scary fuckin' animal. HUGE. Paws are about 8" wide.

Or check out my new webcomic:

I ♥ this thread, and I ♥ pandas too... I gotta travel to the South Sandwich Islands and meet the king of the Fliying pandas.

<The Knight of The Doomeds>

Hell no.

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Actually, I'm pretty sure Panda's are more closely related to Wombats or something, not bears.

Apparently not though. It must have jsut been a rumor going around. 

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

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Only if it punched me first.

Nintendo still doomed?
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