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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 9th Gen starts on March 3



YES, Switch is a 9th Gen Console 220 40.59%
NO, Switch is a small upg... 322 59.41%

Generations does not apply anymore to Nintendo. They have trascended the barrier of space and time.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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LOL, hang on children, we're in for a wild ride this year. I cannot wait to see what the Scorpio will be considered.
"It's officially 9th gen, it launched after Switch."
"But it plays the same games as XB1."
"That's just backwards compatibility. "

I consider Switch Next gen.

Luke888 said:
Wii U launched in 2012, Switch (despite the somewhat small power improvement) launches in 2017, that to me looks like the usual gap between two generations, at least for Nintendo's standards...

And here we have the core of the "problem". If Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo want to have their own intervals until they start their next hardware generation, sticking to compliant time frames is impossible in the long run.  

Microsoft is at its 3rd home console gen, Sony is at its 4th home console gen and Nintendo now starts its 7th home console gen... why the urge to put a common label on it, no matter if it fits or not?

Arent the Switch, Scorpio and Pro gonna still have the same games 8thgen (regular ps4 and xone) is getting?

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I think we should dismiss this generation concept altogether. It's an artificial expression to compare one thing to another but none of the console manufacturers uses it, not even Sega did.

Yup the Switch is next generation.

Scorpio is Next Gen!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

PS4 pro and Scorpio play the exact same games as X1 and they are all the same gen.

Switch games cannot be played by any other Nintendo console, therefore they are next gen.

Anyone who fails to realize this FACT is beyond reasoning and therefore is the equivalent of talking to a wall.  It really is a simple concept....

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

Doesn't feel like it for me