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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Can we agree Nintendo should go third party, now?

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Shaddup, you Pony! 676 36.13%
Switch > PC/PS4/XBO 376 20.10%
I can buy them all, anyway 99 5.29%
Nintendon't need more 29 1.55%
Keep only doing handhelds 81 4.33%
Maybe one more gen... 78 4.17%
Sounds good! 277 14.80%
I have always wanted it... 90 4.81%
Don't care about Nintendo 125 6.68%
Sonic > Mario 40 2.14%

I thought they already went third party...

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sure it would be great just as much as sony doing the same.

nemo37 said:
Superman4 said:

LOL. Initial sales are good, they are going down already. Lets see where they are in 3 months.

While I do agree that it is early days, and launch sales are not necessarly a good benchmark for a how system will do in the long term. I will say that disagree with your assertion that demand is disappearing. Sales have gone down because Nintendo had about 2.5 million units ready for launch and they have gone through that. Hence, the system is currently supply constrained. The PS4's sales also dropped dramatically the week after its launch as well (for the week of 23rd of November, a week after launched, it sold below XOne, 3DS, PS3, X360, Wii U), similar to how Switch has declined due to supply constraints.

I'm responding to your response rather than the argument of declining demand for the Switch that is based upon faulty logic. So for clarification, I agree with what you're saying and just don't want to inadvertently troll a unsubstantiated assertion in the case of Superman4. 

The assumption that available supply equals consumer demand isn't an argument that gets pitched around much on VGC because it's not an argument that holds validity. We all know from the Wii and Wii Fit this isn't the case, not that Nintendo is the only company that has managed to botch consumer demand projections for new products. That said, they did manage to do it again with the NES Classic and rather unappologetically. 

Supply overstock or a flooded market is an indicator of lower consumer demand relative to supply, but the inverse of that argument doesn't hold the same truth, particularly when the product in question experiences a complete sell out of initial stock. 

I haven't seen a single NES Classic ever, because they never stay on shelves. At best, they get snatched up at retail and flipped on EBay at vastly inflated prices. Does this mean a zero supply at retail equals zero demand at retail? We all know the answer to that. 

With regards to the Switch, even with the recent big shipment that was distributed among retailers and the subsequent flood of Ebay auctions, it still goes for about $100 over retail, indicating demand higher than current supply. 

So we can revisit the demand argument for the Switch once they are readily available on retail shelves and flipping them on Ebay no longer becomes profitable, but not not before. 

Mario Kart adds a bit of an added bump to demand, or maybe just serves to keep current owners satisfied with more than just Zelda, but the Switch still benefits from the push of its perceived high demand relative to lower supply. This is not to say that in 3 months owners won't be complaining that there are no games for the Switch, there's a software drought, etc. that inevitably happens with new consoles. But in the meantime, it will mean that the people who have been buying copies of Zelda that still haven't found a Switch will finally be able to play the game when they get one (an attach rate of over 100% is more or less unprecidented). 

And of course, Nintendo traditionally makes the majority of its sales in Q4 as a toy maker, which means they will be prepping for the holidays, which could potentially mean withholding stock to increase the odds of holiday consumers being able to find them at retail.  

I think actually Microsoft may want to consider making games on Switch, lol.

What would be the harm really in Halo 1/2/3/4 or Rare games on Switch if Minecraft is on Switch? I don't think it would interfere with XBox sales much.

How is this thread still going?

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

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Hopefully threads like this die if the switch keeps selling. I love Nintendo handhelds and so far the switch feels like a great successor the the DS and Gameboy lines. Wanting ​Nintendo to go 3rd party based off of your narrowminded opinions of what kind of consoles they should make comes off as very selfish

Since Nintendo stopped making real home consoles, I would love to see their games on PS4 and Steam.

etking said:
Since Nintendo stopped making real home consoles, I would love to see their games on PS4 and Steam.

No they should focus on insuring the continued success of the switch. They're not going to go 3rd party just because you wanted another basic gaming box

collint0101 said:
etking said:
Since Nintendo stopped making real home consoles, I would love to see their games on PS4 and Steam.

No they should focus on insuring the continued success of the switch. They're not going to go 3rd party just because you wanted another basic gaming box

LOL "Basic gaming box". Cause the Switch is much more than a basic gaming box. Last I checked both the Xbone and the PS4 were much more than basic gaming boxes.

Superman4 said:
collint0101 said:

No they should focus on insuring the continued success of the switch. They're not going to go 3rd party just because you wanted another basic gaming box

LOL "Basic gaming box". Cause the Switch is much more than a basic gaming box. Last I checked both the Xbone and the PS4 were much more than basic gaming boxes.

Stuff like Netflix and streaming and Hulu don't matter in the long run. At the end of the day you buy consoles for gaming not the extras. I love my ps4 but I'm happy Nintendo didn't make they're own version of the ps4. The switch is a great portable console which is what I wanted right now since the Vita is dead and the 3ds is showing its age