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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Switch Will Blow You Away, Nvidia CEO Says

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RolStoppable said:


You probl never tried real VR (Rift, Vive, PSVR) right? Thats the reason your sceptical.
See I felt the same before trying it and thought it would be the next Gimmick like the wii was, Kinect or 3D (which I all disliked).


Check amazon ratings on VR devices. Do you really think those devices would get 4-5 Stars all the time with costing 400-1000$ and just beeing like the Wii or Kinect?

Watch reaction about people expierence VR for the first time to get a feeling of how it could be. here are some great reactions:


To get a better idea of what VR is watch this demo from valve that gives a good impression without trying it:


If you think the videos are biased search similar videos on youtube for yourself

But the best thing is still: Try it for yourself. But be carefull, you will very likely look at "flat gaming" in a completly different and "outdated" day after trying it.

Mystat said:
RolStoppable said:


You probl never tried real VR (Rift, Vive, PSVR) right? Thats the reason your sceptical.
See I felt the same before trying it and thought it would be the next Gimmick like the wii was, Kinect or 3D (which I all disliked).


Check amazon ratings on VR devices. Do you really think those devices would get 4-5 Stars all the time with costing 400-1000$ and just beeing like the Wii or Kinect?

Watch reaction about people expierence VR for the first time to get a feeling of how it could be. here are some great reactions:


To get a better idea of what VR thid demo from valve give a good impression without trying it:


If you think the videos are biased search similar videos on youtube for yourself

But the best thing is still: Try it for yourself. But be carefull, you will very likely look at "flat gaming" in a completly different and "outdated" day after trying it.

I tried it, and I thought it was a shitty exprience. I can't possibly pay all that money to play games which are no more than technical demos dressed as games. And I got dizzy as hell with the PSVR. I almost puke XD. Maybe in the future, when the tech is more refined. Though I'm still concerned on how well will it blend with social gaming, since I feel like it's a very isolated experience. 

Mystat said:
RolStoppable said:


if its sold out it cant be not successfull? what typ of nonsense is that?


Following that logic, the switch bombs and totally failed because it sold 0 units in 2016. Doomed console confirmed? LMAO

You guys should try VR and stop trying to justify a "non purchase" of the greatest innovation gaming ever had. 

Here is a surves about VR:


Q: WHat do you think about VR

1. Havnt tired it but beeing interested (38%)

2. Havnt tried it but dont care about it (32%)

3. Tried it and love it (18%)

4. Treid it and beeing interested (10%)

5. Tried it and didnt liked it (2%)


The big majority of people dont liking VR are people that havnt even tried it. As more people will be able to try vr and as more PSVR units sony is able to make, it will get bigger and bigger. I think its 100% safe to say that the PSVR alone will outsell the switch.

100% safe?

Mystat said:

I think its 100% safe to say that the PSVR alone will outsell the switch.

Make a thread about it. The site has been missing something since Gilgamesh stopped making predictions.

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Volterra_90 said:

I tried it, and I thought it was a shitty exprience. I can't possibly pay all that money to play games which are no more than technical demos dressed as games. And I got dizzy as hell with the PSVR. I almost puke XD. Maybe in the future, when the tech is more refined. Though I'm still concerned on how well will it blend with social gaming, since I feel like it's a very isolated experience. 

Well most people on amazon that review their devices think completly different. But even surveys proove that from the people who tied VR ~2% disliked it. 

I dont want to say everybody likes it. Thats not possible. There are people that dont like gaming at all, people love soccer, other dont like it and so on.


But according to surveys and reviews most people love it. ~20 people already had tried my PSVR and nobody felt like you.


Maybe you just play the wrong games if you felt dizzy or your one of the unfortunate people suffering from extreme motion sickness. You shouldnt start with heavy games first but you get used to it very very soon. I felt dizzy on strong games (driveclub vr, robinson the journey) in the first days as well but its 100% gone now.


This month resident evil 7 comes and wil be playable in VR. How is that not technical demo dressed as a game? How is driveclub, rigs, farpoint, ace combat 7, gran turismo sport, starblood arena, star trek bridge crew, Eve: Valkyire and so on technical demos dresses as games?

KLAMarine said:
Mystat said:

if its sold out it cant be not successfull? what typ of nonsense is that?


Following that logic, the switch bombs and totally failed because it sold 0 units in 2016. Doomed console confirmed? LMAO

You guys should try VR and stop trying to justify a "non purchase" of the greatest innovation gaming ever had. 

Here is a surves about VR:


Q: WHat do you think about VR

1. Havnt tired it but beeing interested (38%)

2. Havnt tried it but dont care about it (32%)

3. Tried it and love it (18%)

4. Treid it and beeing interested (10%)

5. Tried it and didnt liked it (2%)


The big majority of people dont liking VR are people that havnt even tried it. As more people will be able to try vr and as more PSVR units sony is able to make, it will get bigger and bigger. I think its 100% safe to say that the PSVR alone will outsell the switch.

100% safe?

Switch sold 0 units last year, PSVR something around 1m. Is there really a question?

Player2 said:
Mystat said:

I think its 100% safe to say that the PSVR alone will outsell the switch.

Make a thread about it. The site has been missing something since Gilgamesh stopped making predictions.

I already made tons of predictions and prooved people wrong later. Its not worth it, most people just arnt replying anymore. EG I already predicted 100% correct how the switch will work and how strong is will be and so on 1,5 years ago. Really not worth it.


JNK Alt banned ~StarOcean

RolStoppable said:

I am skeptical because the sales aren't there. It's completely irrelevant whether or not I have tried VR, and whether or not I like VR. If the market doesn't buy into it, then there isn't much of a future.

Again it was impossible to sell more. The 1080p full RGB 120hz Oled panels arnt that easy to make. This will definitly change in the future.


Also there are tons of great games already confirmed. Those games alone, hell even the games that are currently available already justify the price. 

Not sure about that but we will find out in a couple of days.