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vivster said:
quickrick said:

if i drink its only to get wasted and go party other wise not drinking.

Why would this forum count as a party though?


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RolStoppable said:

When did I say that you are the only one who benefits?

By the way, if you want to be on the offense, you should call people by their names. Otherwise you look like a coward.

I have no reason to promote them either ... 

You just don't like the enforcement of that particular rule since it hinges on your joy of of being able to to play yourself up and the others down ... 

The mods are doing a decent job of how I desire them to by passing more consistent judgement on everyone ...

Honestly every old user gets the benefit od the doubt, i dont understand why they even avoid the subject since longtime users add benefits amd legitemacy

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

fatslob-:O said:
quickrick said:

so you think being called a racist and a troll is is more severe then someone calling you, and your family savages  which basically means violent uncivilized animals... ok

It depends on how they probably feel, heck I see a certain user who recently commented on here get away with it all the damn time and even our other resident harasser here once tried it and he never saw ramifications for it along with sometimes calling them either idiots or stupid which he did for me once if I at least remember but it's not my issue to pry into this any further ... (sometimes I see the latter calling others stupid/idiots and he sometimes gets away with it but other times not) 

Did you report them? Because thats the first thing you should do if you feel like it shouldn't be on Vgchartz. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

RolStoppable said:

You don't promote them by naming their names. You add proper accountability to yourself because it's clear who you are talking about.

And no, the reason why I don't like the rule is that I have seen it time and time again that people got moderated for it and were struck by how paradox the rule is, because it protects people who shouldn't get protected.

Have you ever considered that it's maybe you along with the others that are the problem instead of those that you accuse ? If the mods don't see them to be a problem that often from their own side then your constant rattling of who you consider the mischief's are is nothing more than scapegoating ...

Have you even tried putting yourself in their shoes and see where it takes you or how many times have you've done that yourself ? 

Let me make it clear to you that you shouldn't conflate a community section problem into a mod's issue since sponsorship of group think is controversial as is ... 

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quickrick said:
Kerotan said:

All 3 are rotten. Cider and vodka all the way. But mix them at your peril. 

if i drink its only to get wasted and go party other wise not drinking.

Well in that case mix cider and vodka. Tastes nice but dangerously intoxicating! 

Bristow9091 said:

Jranation said: 

Did you report them? Because thats the first thing you should do if you feel like it shouldn't be on Vgchartz. 

Somebody get this man a cookie!


This guy sent  sexial messages to my avatar boy :D

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

This guy sent  sexial messages to my avatar boy :D

YES!! Tricked that boy!

RolStoppable said:
fatslob-:O said:

Have you ever considered that it's maybe you along with the others that are the problem instead of those that you accuse ? If the mods don't see them to be a problem that often from their own side then your constant rattling of who you consider the mischief's are is nothing more than scapegoating ...

Have you even tried putting yourself in their shoes and see where it takes you or how many times have you've done that yourself ? 

Let me make it clear to you that you shouldn't conflate a community section problem into a mod's issue since sponsorship of group think is controversial as is ... 

Yes, I have considered it. You have a situation where Mr. A, Mr. B and a police officer are standing next to each other and on the other side of the street is a group of black people.

Mr. A: "Niggers sure are deplorable people."
Mr. B: "You are a racist, Mr. A."
Police officer: "What Mr. A said wasn't nice, but I will have to fine you, Mr. B. You can't go around calling other people racist."

That's what you would call a terrible police officer, because he is making an awful decision despite being a witness of the whole event. Mr. B did nothing wrong, but merely stated what every human being capable of coherent thoughts would conclude in this situation. But this specific police officer is of the opinion that only a police officer should be allowed to call a racist a racist.


Now for the question of putting myself in the shoes of the mods and where it would lead if the rule were to be changed. Right now the mod team is supposed to evaluate the full context of a reported post and apply common sense when enforcing the rules and guidelines, so if the rule were changed, nothing about the workload would change. It isn't that hard to see a difference between a rightful accusation of racism (or trolling etc.) and a wrong one. The community here is small enough to know the platform preferences of members and their general posting style (laid back, aggressive, disdainful etc.).

If I put myself in the shoes of one specific moderator (Carl), then nothing about my stance towards the messed up rule is different. Carl has first hand experience just like me. Years ago there was a member who was guilty of major hypocrisy/distortion of reality who went to the length of editing month old posts after they were brought up. We had no edit stamps back then, but Carl used a website archive and proved that the posts were in fact edited. I don't exactly remember which word Carl used to describe the offender (it was an accurate description though), but ultimately the result was that Carl got moderated while I am not even sure if there were any consequences for the offender.


What I have done myself on multiple occasions is that I got bans overturned for people who said something to me, so I am not a dishonorable person who exploits this crappy rule. Additionally, if we assumed that I am exploiting this rule, it would make absolutely no sense for me to be by far the strongest proponent for years to get rid of this messed up rule. Also, I got bans for flaming overturned that didn't directly involve me, simply because the mod team overreacted for whatever reason.

A rather recent case concerning the "don't call a spade a spade" rule is this one:

Since I am aware of how stupid the rule is, I messaged zorg1000 and instructed him how he will get from ban territory into the safe area. All this takes is a change from the word 'troll' to 'detractor'. In the past Miguel has mocked my statement that the mod team gets fooled by words, but it really is easy to manipulate and exploit the system. At the time of zorg1000's post, there was no doubt whatsoever that quickrick is a troll, but on this site there is a ruleset that gets people into trouble for merely stating the plain obvious while it takes a long time until a member like quickrick faces any consequences for constant trolling, because it's so easy to get away with it when the written rules don't get explicitly violated. The "don't call a spade a spade" rule, however, uses some very specific words, so it leads to much faster moderations.

It's messed up that one truthful statement can get a member moderated while someone like DonFerrari who shouts hypocrisy at every opportunity without providing any proof can keep doing what he is doing. Isn't it obvious that wrongful accusations are much more toxic than rightful accusations? But no, here we have a system where evidence in plain sight gets regarded as irrelevant (like in quickrick's recent moderation which spawned this whole discussion) while the complete absence of evidence (like in DonFerrari's frequent posting behavior) is deemed acceptable.

We have rules against flaming and it would be intellectually dishonest to selectively punish people for breaking it based on if a few people in the crowd subjectively thought the slur was true or not. It's why we have mods to deal with it.

Being a proponent to getting the rule removed doesn't mean you wouldn't exploit the rule. You want the rule axed so you can call people idiots/trolls whenever you want and you exploit it by calling people idiots in different ways. That's just doing what you wanted to begin with.

You're just highlighting why the rule should include synonyms of words often used in ad hominem to combat the way it's exploited. I approve of that.

CGI-Quality said:

"That's a pretty racist thing to say"
"That's clearly racist"
"You're a racist troll"

Only two of those things are alike in nature and wouldn't have been grounds for a moderation.

I really don't understand the thinking behind this. You can say "That is Racist" but not "You are Racist"... why?

For an exaggerated example let's imagine a user created a thread on here on how they drugged a woman and had sex with her. By the above logic:

"That is rape" - ok!

"You are a rapist" - Grounds for moderation? wtf?

If someone says "Niggers sure are deplorable people." as in rol's example, there is no way in hell that calling that person racist should be an offence. Sure reporting and ignoring is the ideal response, but people are going to react to a disgusting contemptible post like that because it rightly angers people strongly to see injustice like it, and people should not be punished for responding, unless the response goes far beyond "You are a racist troll.".