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vivster said:
Azuren said:

Except in that very statement you admit generalizations based on skin color, soooo...

No. Even Asians with the same amount of pigmentation as someone from African descent are on average worse at Basketball because of different genetics, mainly connected to height and muscle structure. Has absolutely nothing to do with skin color. I have no idea why people are so on about how someone looks.

Can't backpedal that generalization by pointing out extreme cases.

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

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Azuren said:
vivster said:

No. Even Asians with the same amount of pigmentation as someone from African descent are on average worse at Basketball because of different genetics, mainly connected to height and muscle structure. Has absolutely nothing to do with skin color. I have no idea why people are so on about how someone looks.

Can't backpedal that generalization by pointing out extreme cases.

What extreme cases? I have posted twice and both times called out the average. If you want to tell me that the average Asian is just as tall as the average African then go ahead, that doesn't make it true.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Azuren said:

Can't backpedal that generalization by pointing out extreme cases.

What extreme cases? I have posted twice and both times called out the average. If you want to tell me that the average Asian is just as tall as the average African then go ahead, that doesn't make it true.

And if you want to tell me the average Asian is as dark as the average African, go ahead.

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

Check out my Twitch Channel!:

Ka-pi96 said:

Edit: Ne'ermind

Was it about basketball??

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

So, I asked this before but I don't think I got a serious answer. Reports of mods has to be overturned by a head mod, but how does the protocol for reporting a head mod work? Can they overturn it and delete it themselves?

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Miguel_Zorro said:
VGPolyglot said:
So, I asked this before but I don't think I got a serious answer. Reports of mods has to be overturned by a head mod, but how does the protocol for reporting a head mod work? Can they overturn it and delete it themselves?


I see.

why would it matter how it works aslong as the option is there?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

RolStoppable said:
VGPolyglot said:
So, I asked this before but I don't think I got a serious answer. Reports of mods has to be overturned by a head mod, but how does the protocol for reporting a head mod work? Can they overturn it and delete it themselves?

Simply follow the command chain. If you have a problem with a head mod, contact TruckOSaurus who is a current administrator and former head mod. He has both the competence and the tools to take appropriate measures.

Naturally, if you want to topple a head mod, you should be certain that you have an actual case.

I don't want to topple Miguel, I just want to know how this works, and if a head mod could essentially prevent themselves from getting banned/moderated. Yes, we've had our issues but I don't think he's a bad person, I just think that he needs to consider other sides more often. In fact, he used to be one of my favourite mods, and while things could be better I'm hopeful that things will improve.

Bandorr said:
Ka-pi96 said:

So the issue is that you imagine "all"s where there aren't any?

The lack of context and subject leads to sloppy-ness. Combined with decades of experience with that sloppyness, tends to give me plenty of reason to suspect someone is shorthanding "all".

"Xbox live users are rude".  Are you adding an all to that? I automatically add an all to that yes. "The users on xbox live that constantly cuss and insult me are rude" is vastly different. It is both clear in subject, and in context.

Leads to an interesting thread/poll. What do people read/think/infer when they see something like "Men are dogs" or "dogs are mean".

I'll give you my poll result, I would read it as SOME or possibly MOST but would hardly ever infer such statements meant ALL unless I was looking for a bogeyman or it was a statement that makes little sense otherwise and I struggle with an example but one would be "people that live normal lives are born with hearts" because you have to have a functioning heart to live a normal life.

If you are inferring ALL then here you are looking for racism in my opinion and not giving the benefit of the doubt to the poster that they have the logical facilities to understand:

1) people are people regardless of the color of their skin

2) at best you might find generalities for a group but are going to find very few universals besides death where ALL would be what you the reader should infer.

Not granting people in general the benefit of the doubt and automatically inferring ALL would seem to put you in a mindset that other people are inferior and don't understand  what your superior intellect does ... if that's the case: Are you any better than a racist? same concept different manifestation of superiority

fatslob-:O said:
Snip snip

What VGP is doing is underhanded since he's trying to bait me by getting the mods to backseat moderate me and I only just realized from past few posts that he's trying to remove from this community ... 

LOL I haven't read to the end (still a page to go) but you lost me with the bolded statement ... I thought only non mods could backseat moderate ...  please elaborate (if you have elaborated already I apologize for my impatience)