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VGPolyglot said:

You know, if you want me to stop responding to you, you shouldn't bring me up and talk about me. I showed the post from a year ago for context (and to show that you were banned for it in the past so there is precedence for banning people for racist posts), and when you claimed that I was misrepresenting you I posted more posts to show that it was not just a one-time thing. And yes, I have anti-racism as one of my ideologies, and I don't see how it's a bad thing that I want action done against racist posts.

Just too bad you made a serious jump in logic to correlate my post as being species = race ... (Is there any precedent of distorting the meaning of a post to get people moderated ?) 

And have fun with your ideological witch hunt since I don't intend to repair the little bridge we had together that you just burnt ... 

What you are doing is dangerous when that was exactly the behaviour of a certain someone who accused another party of a Reichstag fire without the lack of a substantial evidence. I don't prefer racist posts either but you're going farther than that by making reaches towards everyone that even has the slightest hint of mentioning the material at hand that could be used to fuel xenophobia ... (you are not interested with the material, you are only interested in eliminating those people who use it regardless whether it is for productive discussions or in the case of xenophobia) 

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fatslob-:O said:
VGPolyglot said:

You know, if you want me to stop responding to you, you shouldn't bring me up and talk about me. I showed the post from a year ago for context (and to show that you were banned for it in the past so there is precedence for banning people for racist posts), and when you claimed that I was misrepresenting you I posted more posts to show that it was not just a one-time thing. And yes, I have anti-racism as one of my ideologies, and I don't see how it's a bad thing that I want action done against racist posts.

Just too bad you made a serious jump in logic to correlate my post as being species = race ... (Is there any precedent of distorting the meaning of a post to get people moderated ?) 

And have fun with your ideological witch hunt since I don't intend to repair the little bridge we had together that you just burnt ... 

What you are doing is dangerous when that was exactly the behaviour of a certain someone who accused another party of a Reichstag fire without the lack of a substantial evidence. I don't prefer racist posts either but you're going farther than that by making reaches towards everyone that even has the slightest hint of mentioning the material at hand that could be used to fuel xenophobia ... (you are not interested with the material, you are only interested in eliminating those people who use it regardless whether it is for productive discussions or in the case of xenophobia) 

I don't understand what you mean by the bridge we had together, to my knowledge we never were on good terms with each other. And I'm not really reaching towards everyone, you and Slimebeast have been special cases that I have brought up, yes there are others who have views that I'm not fond of but I consider you 2 to have the most dangerous of them.

VGPolyglot said:

I don't understand what you mean by the bridge we had together, to my knowledge we never were on good terms with each other. And I'm not really reaching towards everyone, you and Slimebeast have been special cases that I have brought up, yes there are others who have views that I'm not fond of but I consider you 2 to have the most dangerous of them.

It was the neutral and diplomatic bridge since I never saw you as my aggressor but that's long changed today and I don't want anybody showing you mercy against your ideals ... 

May as well just rule out a relationship circle with anybody that's not pure enough for your ideals ... 

RolStoppable said:
fatslob-:O said:

It was the neutral and diplomatic bridge since I never saw you as my aggressor but that's long changed today and I don't want anybody showing you mercy against your ideals ... 

May as well just rule out a relationship circle with anybody that's not pure enough for your ideals ... 

What is the point of this post?

Better question is what was the point of the entire conversation?

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RolStoppable said:

Curiosity how fatslob will try to weasel himself out of it?

I don't intend to weasel out of anything anyways since the sentence was already carried out ... 

Just wanted a justification for it but I guess that's the end of the line since mods don't want to elaborate any further and it'll be the last time I ever see face to face with VGP ... 

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RolStoppable said:

So what was the point of your previous post? You aren't going to become friends with celador and CosmicSex because VGPolyglot doesn't approve of them?

He'll never approve of them anyways since he hates any bouts of xenophobia and I have no interest in being in a more than shallow relationship with celador and as for CosmicSex, I don't think he likes me very much LOL ... 

I just bid VGP a bitter farewell and I guess this is where we all part ways with us (slimbeast and I) being his constant target of attacks ... 

Bandorr said:
Ka-pi96 said:

You got that from "Insulting a person's religion, religious beliefs, race, sex, sexuality, nationality, political beliefs, gaming preferences, etc. Debate is encouraged, as is civil disagreement, but respect the beliefs and opinions of others. Insulting any group without proper justification.", "Insulting any group without proper justification.", "Using any racial or sexuality-based slurs, even if you are not using them maliciously." and " Moderators will look at overt discrimination very harshly. Blatant forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other sort of hatred towards a group of people(s) will not be tolerated, and will be met with firm moderation."? Can`t see any other racism related ones there.

I don`t see anything particularly insulting or blatantly racist there. Saying Asians suck at basketball would be insulting, but saying black people are better shouldn`t really count as an insult. Maybe it should just be treated the same as gaming stuff here. Saying something is better than something else is fine, saying something is bad is also fine as long as reasons are provided (and you`re not a dick about it).

On that basis I kind of find the attacks against fatslob wrong in a way. He doesn't really do himself any favours with how vague he can be, all the question dodging and certainly not the jokes. But discussing racial differences, and possible strengths/weaknesses shouldn't be an issue for anyone. Just firstly, don't be a dick about it and secondly if you're going to go much into the strengths/weaknesses (particularly weaknesses) part, obviously do it in a thread where it fits the context, but also actually use some evidence to back it up.

Saying all black people are better at basketball than Asians is racist.  It is both blatant (tastelessly conspicuous), and racist. You are implying that one race is better at something because of their skin, and possibly implying that another is inferior.

I'm pretty sure that the average black person is better than the average Asian person at Basketball not because of their skin color but because of the difference in height and muscle structure. Distilling everything down to skin color sounds like something only a racist would do.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

fatslob-:O said:
RolStoppable said:

So what was the point of your previous post? You aren't going to become friends with celador and CosmicSex because VGPolyglot doesn't approve of them?

He'll never approve of them anyways since he hates any bouts of xenophobia and I have no interest in being in a more than shallow relationship with celador and as for CosmicSex, I don't think he likes me very much LOL ... 

I just bid VGP a bitter farewell and I guess this is where we all part ways with us (slimbeast and I) being his constant target of attacks ... 

Yes, I'm not a fan of Celador's xenophobia either, but he was banned for it so I didn't need to bring it up. As for CosmicSex, I have more hope/faith in him.

vivster said:
Bandorr said:

Saying all black people are better at basketball than Asians is racist.  It is both blatant (tastelessly conspicuous), and racist. You are implying that one race is better at something because of their skin, and possibly implying that another is inferior.

I'm pretty sure that the average black person is better than the average Asian person at Basketball not because of their skin color but because of the difference in height and muscle structure. Distilling everything down to skin color sounds like something only a racist would do.

Except in that very statement you admit generalizations based on skin color, soooo...

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

Check out my Twitch Channel!:

Azuren said:
vivster said:

I'm pretty sure that the average black person is better than the average Asian person at Basketball not because of their skin color but because of the difference in height and muscle structure. Distilling everything down to skin color sounds like something only a racist would do.

Except in that very statement you admit generalizations based on skin color, soooo...

No. Even Asians with the same amount of pigmentation as someone from African descent are on average worse at Basketball because of different genetics, mainly connected to height and muscle structure. Has absolutely nothing to do with skin color. I have no idea why people are so on about how someone looks.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.