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OTBWY said:
quickrick said:

You mods really need to do something about OTBWY, every time he disagrees with someone, he flames them by telling them to have a seat, which basically means shut up.

I think you're the one who should be banned, for being a sore to everyone and refusing to accept facts. Just take a look at the Global sales thread how everyone was talking about you, not me. Don't say someone as if it's more people. Show me one another user I said that to. It's just you lmao. Let's compare mod history too if you're up for it. Food for thought.

 The main problem is you have no idea what the word fact means, you call things facts when they are clearly not, and then you flame for no reason.

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CGI-Quality said:
COKTOE said: 

Something you want to get off your chest about Jega? :) I'm all eyes.

Some users just tend to be problematic (to put it nicely). :p

Ha ha. Well, as Jega himself used to say. Nuff' said.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

CGI-Quality said:
OTBWY said:

I think you're the one who should be banned, for being a sore to everyone and refusing to accept facts. Just take a look at the Global sales thread how everyone was talking about you, not me. Let's compare mod history too if you're up for it. Food for thought.

Fellas - this sort of thing isn't the way to go about this. I'm all for hearing you guys' issue, but saying who should/shouldn't be banned looks bad on both sides. 

Well how else do you want me to react to this? I am angered by his blatant baiting. Do I come here asking for specific users to be banned? Is that what the mod thread is for? I try to contribute to the site as balanced as I can. I have friends on this site like Vivster who I almost never agree with. But this guy comes only to very specific threads, trying to get a rise out of people with misinformation. Like in that Global sales thread, I called him out on it, like many many others. He only got hung up on "have a seat" and a made up meaning. It doesn't mean shut up. It means to pay attention.

When are you going to refund kirby? Daylight robery that was. Like a credit card company, takes your money in seconds, refunds it in weeks.

OTBWY said:
CGI-Quality said:

Fellas - this sort of thing isn't the way to go about this. I'm all for hearing you guys' issue, but saying who should/shouldn't be banned looks bad on both sides. 

Well how else do you want me to react to this? I am angered by his blatant baiting. Do I come here asking for specific users to be banned? Is that what the mod thread is for? I try to contribute to the site as balanced as I can. I have friends on this site like Vivster who I almost never agree with. But this guy comes only to very specific threads, trying to get a rise out of people with misinformation. Like in that Global sales thread, I called him out on it, like many many others. He only got hung up on "have a seat" and a made up meaning. It doesn't mean shut up. It means to pay attention.

I never asked for you to be banned, but telling people to have a seat, which basically means shut up, shouldn't be allowed, it's basically flaming. have seat, means shut up, just look it up, it's a form of a diss, don't try to be smart about.

Last edited by quickrick - on 13 February 2018

Around the Network
quickrick said:
OTBWY said:

I think you're the one who should be banned, for being a sore to everyone and refusing to accept facts. Just take a look at the Global sales thread how everyone was talking about you, not me. Don't say someone as if it's more people. Show me one another user I said that to. It's just you lmao. Let's compare mod history too if you're up for it. Food for thought.

 The main problem is you have no idea what the word fact means, you call things facts when they are clearly not, and then you flame for no reason.

The funny thing is, in this very thread you said you put me on your ignore list. Enforce that list. I'm not talking to you anymore. And stop mentioning me here over nothing.

Last edited by OTBWY - on 13 February 2018

RolStoppable said:
vivster said:

I explained it on my wall. In my beginning on VGC I wasn't even as closely involved into gaming as I am now. ANd no, I wasn't even aware that Bayonetta was an Xbox exclusive once. I couldn't even tell you for how long. 

But I still don't know how this pertains to anything that I said in the thread. Even if I had never played Bayonetta until last week and I only ever played the PC port, I would be just as pissed at Platinum that the sequels are exclusive to Nintendo, probably even more. And the weak defenses would still just be as weak. Because the truth is that exclusivity sucks and that will stay true forever. I don't see how people can argue that a game is better off if fewer people can play it.

Bayonetta was Xbox 360 exclusive only during an early stage of development. The game launched day and date on Xbox 360 and PS3.

The catch about Bayonetta 2 and 3's Nintendo exclusivity is that it allows more people to play the games, because without Nintendo neither game would exist. You see, the people who defend Platinum and Nintendo are the side who argues in favor of more people being able to play the games and their opposition is the side who argues against people being able to play the games, although many members of the opposition have no solid grasp of what they are really arguing due to their ignorance on the subject.

Not this again. We already had this conversation. I do not subscribe to the notion that a cult classic couldn't have been made without the help of Nintendo. If it came out later with the help of a multi platform publisher then even more people could've played it. Of course neither of use can disprove the other's point so we will have to agree to disagree on that point. I mean look at fucking Beyond Good and Evil. A cult classic that has been dead for 15 years. People cried for it every year and then suddenly it happened. You're telling me there is no way that this could happen to a game like Bayonetta as well?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

axumblade said:
kirby007 said:
i find it problematic mods don't know widespread memes that cost me 250vg$ and i still haven't gotten that back

And the other $−18,886.50?

Talon is bad with numbers hence the site is still shoddy now and then

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

I should be banned. He's a dick.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:

I should be banned. He's a dick.

Don't Alchy. It's done. CGI was clear. We're moving on.

Nice sig btw.