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Last edited by Miguel_Zorro - on 06 February 2018

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Isn't this spamming?


More VR threads and still doing the same thing he was banned twice for. Baiting people telling them they can't afford VR is they disagree with them. Trying to force his opinion over and over. (Habam) and him cluttering up the main page with these spam threads is getting annoying. Sorry if I overstep my bounds but it's really bringing the place down.

SegataSanshiro said:

Isn't this spamming?


More VR threads and still doing the same thing he was banned twice for. Baiting people telling them they can't afford VR is they disagree with them. Trying to force his opinion over and over. (Habam) and him cluttering up the main page with these spam threads is getting annoying. Sorry if I overstep my bounds but it's really bringing the place down.

At this point, he is probably trolling.He must be someone that likes getting under people skin, and he knows that spamming several discussions on something that isnt nearly that popular as he claims it to be, will just get people riled up.And he is probably getting some laughs out of it.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

SegataSanshiro said:

Isn't this spamming?


More VR threads and still doing the same thing he was banned twice for. Baiting people telling them they can't afford VR is they disagree with them. Trying to force his opinion over and over. (Habam) and him cluttering up the main page with these spam threads is getting annoying. Sorry if I overstep my bounds but it's really bringing the place down.

Oh Jesus....he's right back at it. Ha.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

CGI-Quality said:
I'm having trouble viewing that source. Re-link it and I'll take a look.

What's your Posts-per-page count? I assume it has something to do with that.

Around the Network
CGI-Quality said:
VGPolyglot said:

What's your Posts-per-page count? I assume it has something to do with that.

Moderators have high counts. Regardless, I've found it on my own. ;P


Last edited by VGPolyglot - on 07 February 2018

CGI-Quality said:
VGPolyglot said:

Is it a requirement?

Something like that.


Last edited by VGPolyglot - on 07 February 2018

Looks like they finally found habam's alt. JNK seems about right.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

And thus the wacky adventures of Habam have ended. Now he has enough time to invest into VR.

RolStoppable said:
vivster said:
Looks like they finally found habam's alt. JNK seems about right.

I wonder if he would have paid up.

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