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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

Nintendo's not competing with Sony/MS anymore bro. They haven't really for like a decade anyway, but this is just taking it to a different extreme. 

They are.


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spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

I get that you want them to, but they almost literally could not have designed any type of system that would compete with the PS4/XB1 *less* than the Switch does, lol (using any type of relatively modern tech that is). 

I mean you tell me if I told you this is what NX would be a year ago that you would believe it. I don't think so. 

You're in the denial phase now. It'll move onto acceptance/bargaining soon, don't worry. It gets better when you just stop giving a crap. You'll buy one anyone because of Mario, Zelda, and Splatoon. Or you won't. It doesn't make a huge difference.


Competing poorly is not not competing. There is no denial. Switch is competing with PS4 whether you like it or not. Whether Switch becomes Nintendo's biggest success or their most crushing failure, it was always made and marketed to be in sales competition with the XBO and PS4, just like the Wii U was. If telling yourself they weren't helps you cope with the latter, so be it.

It isn't directly comparable. I've got a PS4 and still want a Switch. The Switch is a portable console that also functions as a home console and entry level VR system. Was the 3DS directly in competition with PS4, no but indirectly yes for those who weren't sure if they wanted a console with portability or a permanent home console. Are there many consumers like that?

A huge number of wii owners also owned a ps3 or 360. The idea that every household only has one console is not realistic or representative of reality. 

I plan to buy a Switch with VR HMD and one extra dock so I can use the console both in my living room and one room upstairs. In the UK that may cost me £250 plus maybe £25 or £30 for an extra dock with psu. So £280 in total. That effectively gets me 2 home consoles, a portable and a VR system because it easy to just move the tablet between docks between rooms.

zorg1000 said:
DonFerrari said:

We had rumors that it was twice stronger than PS4 as well, and there were people really defending it.

I mean from people who have a good track record of leaking Switch info like Eurogamer, Laura Kate Dale & Emily Rogers not rumors from unreliable sources, especially once Switch was revealed there was no reason to believe it would be as powerful as XBO/PS4.

Well, but people that wanted to believe that Switch would outperform X1 there wasn't a reason for them to be bond for such things as reliable sources... Some would even defend the sources citing that they were claimed as thrustworthy.

But anyway, the specs are bellow what most thought would be.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Shadow1980 said:
zorg1000 said:

No, it has a better CPU, over 3x as much RAM and the GPU is roughly on par with Wii U when undocked and about 2x when docked (if only looking at pure numbers which doesnt tell the whole story).


superchunk said:


Better CPU
Better RAM
Better GPU (while slightly less flops, better capability) when portable
2.5X (or more) better GPU when docked

So it is more powerful than the Wii U when docked, but maybe only about on par with the Wii U when portable?

No, even portable mode should outperform Wii U.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

spemanig said:
Wyrdness said:


Isn't that what portable gamers are buying? Handheld games are what gave 3DS its numbers :?

We're going around in circles now.

zorg1000 said:

They will, improved sequels to 3DS games will help the 3DS audience to upgrade to Switch.

Its not all thats needed but appealing to 3DS owners is certainly something that Nintendo needs to do.

Tthey won't. The 3DS sold that well because it's alternative was the Vita, a niche piece of hardware that was only known for indies and niche japanese games. Switch's alternatives are the XBO and PS4, platforms known for being the best places to play games. They will help fill the Switch's line up, but that will only help it with regards to looking better compared to the XBO and PS4. That won't translate at all to it performing comparably to the 3DS. What will is having multiplats.

That kind of stuff only matters when all else is equal. Multiplats are that "all else." When all else is equal, Nintendo having all of those handheld game sequels are a great bonus. When all else is not equal, it's a deficiency.

"I can't have Assassin's Creed, but at least I can have A Link Between Worlds" sends a horrible message when your competition is the PS4/XBO.

"I can have Assassin's Creed and A Link Between Worlds too" is a great one when your competition is the PS4/XBO.

Mate this makes no sense as you seem to be under the impression that the whole portable market is going to just vanish or doesn't exist, 3DS sold well because it's the better platform for the portable market. PS4 and X1 have no bearing on that because they're not portable devices, a portable gamer is not going to opt for a PS4 or X1 because they can't get portable gaming from it plus a significant number probably already own those platforms so in a sense if the other user said portable games will help it do 3DS numbers he's right as that's what attracts them only now they have a massive jump in power, this is why your post is coming across as confusing.

Switch has no equivalent alternative for dedicated portable gaming which further helps his point.

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spemanig said:
Also, can someone please explain to me what SMs are and why the expectation is 2 SMs so I'm not barking like an idiot?

When Nvidia and AMD build a GPU, they bunch up the GPU cores in units (that has everything those cores need, and call it 1 SM).

One such bunch of cuda cores is called a SM, it stands for Streaming Multiprocessor.

Inside a SM are stuff like: the cores, store/load units, special funktion units ,highspeed memory cache (L1 & shared, and L2), and a interface the connects them all.

this is a diagram from a Nvidia Fermi:


^ each GPU has many of these inside them.

Thats what the 2 or 3, part your in question is about.

Their talking about how many "Cores" inside the Tegra X1 chip, there will be.

The most reasonable assumption is its the standard amount, that the Tegra X1 in all other products comes with.

Why? well its already more powerfull than what they need, if their downclocking it so much.

Why build a bigger chip, if its already more than you need? you dont.

You save a ton of Research & Developement money, just useing the chips Nvidia already has.

curl-6 said:

You do get better performance per watt, yeah, but at the end of the day, Xbox One S can consume more than 70 watts when running a game, while a portable will have to make do with about a tenth of that in order to have decent battery life while not only powering the CPU/GPU/RAM, but also the screen.

And why would you deem such a scenario impossible? The Xbox One S is using old inefficient technology. (Not stating the Switch is using cutting edge either but.)

Again, Volta powered Tegra should drop next year, which should be Xbox One levels of performance, built at the same 16nm Finfet at TSMC and use a fraction of the energy.

nVidia has the efficiency edge even against AMD.
Even nVidia's 28nm maxwell chips can give AMD's 14nm Polaris chips a run for it's money in regards to performance/effeciency.

And there are a ton of reasons why.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
curl-6 said:

You do get better performance per watt, yeah, but at the end of the day, Xbox One S can consume more than 70 watts when running a game, while a portable will have to make do with about a tenth of that in order to have decent battery life while not only powering the CPU/GPU/RAM, but also the screen.

And why would you deem such a scenario impossible? The Xbox One S is using old inefficient technology. (Not stating the Switch is using cutting edge either but.)

Again, Volta powered Tegra should drop next year, which should be Xbox One levels of performance, built at the same 16nm Finfet at TSMC and use a fraction of the energy.

nVidia has the efficiency edge even against AMD.
Even nVidia's 28nm maxwell chips can give AMD's 14nm Polaris chips a run for it's money in regards to performance/effeciency.

And there are a ton of reasons why.

That Nvidia coolaid :p

The Tegra X1 uses like 30watts of power to reach those 512 Gflops its able to do in the shield console.

Without powering a screen or anything extra.

Hell a Hard disk drive is 4-5watts alone, and PS4 & XB1 use those.

Even if Nvidia tried to do a 1teraflop Mobile chip, it would still be in the 50+watt range.

You make it sound like the Chips inside the PS4 & XB1 are bad, and their really not.

Not at the power levels of graphics they do.



This chart is useing old review scores, but AMD drivers for the 470/480 have done alot since it released.

And look at that the most effecient GPU chip at 1920x1080 resolutions is a RX 470!

JRPGfan said:
Pemalite said:

And why would you deem such a scenario impossible? The Xbox One S is using old inefficient technology. (Not stating the Switch is using cutting edge either but.)

Again, Volta powered Tegra should drop next year, which should be Xbox One levels of performance, built at the same 16nm Finfet at TSMC and use a fraction of the energy.

nVidia has the efficiency edge even against AMD.
Even nVidia's 28nm maxwell chips can give AMD's 14nm Polaris chips a run for it's money in regards to performance/effeciency.

And there are a ton of reasons why.

That Nvidia coolaid :p

The Tegra X1 uses like 30watts of power to reach those 512 Gflops its able to do in the shield console.

Without powering a screen or anything extra.

Hell a Hard disk drive is 4-5watts alone, and PS4 & XB1 use those.

Even if Nvidia tried to do a 1teraflop Mobile chip, it would still be in the 50+watt range.

You make it sound like the Chips inside the PS4 & XB1 are bad, and their really not.

Not at the power levels of graphics they do.



This chart is useing old review scores, but AMD drivers for the 470/480 have done alot since it released.

And look at that the most effecient GPU chip at 1920x1080 resolutions is a RX 470!

I think you may have copied the wrong chart.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
JRPGfan said:

That Nvidia coolaid :p

The Tegra X1 uses like 30watts of power to reach those 512 Gflops its able to do in the shield console.

Without powering a screen or anything extra.

Hell a Hard disk drive is 4-5watts alone, and PS4 & XB1 use those.

Even if Nvidia tried to do a 1teraflop Mobile chip, it would still be in the 50+watt range.

You make it sound like the Chips inside the PS4 & XB1 are bad, and their really not.

Not at the power levels of graphics they do.



This chart is useing old review scores, but AMD drivers for the 470/480 have done alot since it released.

And look at that the most effecient GPU chip at 1920x1080 resolutions is a RX 470!

I think you may have copied the wrong chart.

omg thats..... embarrassing >_>

I swore I hit the performance pr watts part... lol.

Im gonna end up looking like a arse.


Right Chart:


Yeah RX470/480 arnt at the top of the list.

Will say this though; the launch drivers for the RX470/80 wherent the best optimised, newer drivers have seen some pretty decent gains.

Its something nvidia is usually good about, optimiseing drivers for launch so their cards revew well day1.