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spemanig said:
Wyrdness said:


Isn't that what portable gamers are buying? Handheld games are what gave 3DS its numbers :?

We're going around in circles now.

zorg1000 said:

They will, improved sequels to 3DS games will help the 3DS audience to upgrade to Switch.

Its not all thats needed but appealing to 3DS owners is certainly something that Nintendo needs to do.

Tthey won't. The 3DS sold that well because it's alternative was the Vita, a niche piece of hardware that was only known for indies and niche japanese games. Switch's alternatives are the XBO and PS4, platforms known for being the best places to play games. They will help fill the Switch's line up, but that will only help it with regards to looking better compared to the XBO and PS4. That won't translate at all to it performing comparably to the 3DS. What will is having multiplats.

That kind of stuff only matters when all else is equal. Multiplats are that "all else." When all else is equal, Nintendo having all of those handheld game sequels are a great bonus. When all else is not equal, it's a deficiency.

"I can't have Assassin's Creed, but at least I can have A Link Between Worlds" sends a horrible message when your competition is the PS4/XBO.

"I can have Assassin's Creed and A Link Between Worlds too" is a great one when your competition is the PS4/XBO.

Mate this makes no sense as you seem to be under the impression that the whole portable market is going to just vanish or doesn't exist, 3DS sold well because it's the better platform for the portable market. PS4 and X1 have no bearing on that because they're not portable devices, a portable gamer is not going to opt for a PS4 or X1 because they can't get portable gaming from it plus a significant number probably already own those platforms so in a sense if the other user said portable games will help it do 3DS numbers he's right as that's what attracts them only now they have a massive jump in power, this is why your post is coming across as confusing.

Switch has no equivalent alternative for dedicated portable gaming which further helps his point.