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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

lonerism said:
Jranation said:

Unlike the Wii U, the Switch will get a Main Series Pokemon game, Probably a new monster hunter, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing. 

So did the game cube

Gamecube had mainline Pokemon & Monster Hunter?

Also, Animal Crossing & Fire Emblem have alot in popularity sonce Gamecube.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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Man, they really have quit making home consoles, huh?

fleischr said:
It's sad to say that I'm not surprised... by the meltdowns here...

The specs on their own, while I wish they could be better to accommodate *all* 3rd party games without exception, are still rather good. It's really like a far more portable WiiU with extra home console power -- that alone I like

I gotta wonder how many devs will continue to do 720p/low-end skews that fit the Switch hardware. I'm sure many devs do that for the low-end PC gamer crowd and Vita folk, but they move on at some point.

I think at this point, they can't actually port their games but rather remake them just for the switch if they want it on the Switch.

The docked mode isn't the main issue although granted its still not that great. The portable mode is the main issue because every game must be made to run in portable mode which is rumored to be at 157 or so Gflops according to neogaf. I doubt devs will be able to make a game exclusively for the docked mode since the main gimmick is to be able to play it anywhere. So devs will be looking at the 157 or so Gflops in performance first and then enhancing it after rather than looking at the docked mode first since the bottleneck will be the portable mode.

But either ways, as Pachter said in his recent ep, publishers make about $36 or so with each retail copy sold. If the Switch is powerful enough to handle ports, the publishers can spend about 5 million (in his example) to port the games. (36 x 500,000 sales = 18 million = profit) But if they have to make the games from ground up due to it not being powerful enough, they would have to spend 40 million in his example which wouldn't be worth it for them. ($36 x 1 million sales = 36 million = no profit since it costed 40 million to develop for the Switch). And that excludes marketing and etc.

So idk if there will be very many third party games at all from the western front. I mean, did we hear any rumors about any modern ports yet apart from like not very intensive games such as Just Dance?


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

daredevil.shark said:
Captain_Yuri said:
Finally we get some reliable info that actually says something. So it basically runs like a wiiu in portable mode and its a lot faster in docked. I dont think it will get easy ports from ps4/x1 with those specs from Western third parties but we will see.
I fully am expecting it to mainly be a Nintendo/Japanese dev machine

In dock mode it's like Wii U (1/3 of Xbox one) and portable mode it's glorified PS Vita. No joke. Check other threads or neogaf.

According to Eurogamer it's a litte bit faster than Wii U when undocked:

Sh1nn said:
So according to gaf we're looking at 150gf in portable mode and 400gf when docked.

Portable will be about equal to the Wii U then? but that 400gf nr when docked is abit dissapointing.


Look how many people on VGChartz where saying dont worry its 650gflops - 1teraflop.

If its 400 Gflops, that puts it at 1/5th the power of a PS4, its under 1/10th  the power of a PS4pro.


Basically its almost a gen behinde in terms of performance.

Ei. Not really on the same playing field as the PS4 or XB1.

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Home console Nintendo fans got kinda the bad side of the deal tbh.

But let's look at the bright side, the Switch is what... 30 times more powerful than a 3DS? that's a big jump.

Now the question remains, Nintendo is still selling New 3DS XL for 200 bucks, just how much of that is pure profit? 120$?

I'm not really into Nintendo handhelds that much, i mean i love it and have a bunch of 3DSgames, but home console Nintendo games are so much better tbh, it's just that the Wii U lacked "interesting" games.

And by that i'm not saying the Wii U didn't have interesting games... it's just that most of them were kinda "vanilla"? i don't know how to explain it.
Wii U never had weird RPG games or many action adventure ones.

bigtakilla said:
haqqaton said:

I'm really happy indeed. Getting a game with graphics like Assassins Creed 4 runing in HD with better frame rates on a portable is quite a feat. I prefer handheld gaming after all.

Haven't their been other options out on the market that can do this for a while now?

Maybe the hardware, yes,  but not with the games. I'll wait until 12th January to see what games they have prepared (first and third parties). I hope they launch something like Xenoblade Chronicles X too. It's already marvelous on Wii U (a weak hardware).

Nautilus said:
Cant quite understand what this means.Other than tge fact that in handheld mode it is way weaker(Which can be compensated by the lower resolution), I dont know where this puts the Switch at in terms of power.Could someone elaborate for me?

about 1/5th the power of a PS4.

about 1/10th the power of a PS4pro.

daredevil.shark said:
Captain_Yuri said:
Finally we get some reliable info that actually says something. So it basically runs like a wiiu in portable mode and its a lot faster in docked. I dont think it will get easy ports from ps4/x1 with those specs from Western third parties but we will see.
I fully am expecting it to mainly be a Nintendo/Japanese dev machine

In dock mode it's like Wii U (1/3 of Xbox one) and portable mode it's glorified PS Vita. No joke. Check other threads or neogaf.

Umm... According to neogaf...


Switch docked=393
Switch undocked=157

So no... It really isn't. Stop spreading nonsense please. Portable mode = wiiU, docked mode = 1/3 x1


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Dark_Feanor said:
At least it will cost $250 or less.


numberwang said:


ihh said:
Random_Matt said:

Of course, but the degree of downclocking is massive.

Even when docked it´s pretty bad. Every penny over $199 is a scam for this imo.

Shield TV is $199 and has a decent controller packed in.



Those rumors saying 249$-300$ are too high.

Nintendo needs to launch the switch at 199$.