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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

Egelo said:
potato_hamster said:

PS4      - 1842 gflops
XOne   - 1311 glfops
Switch -  392 glfops (docked) / 157 gflops (undocked)

So in terms of GPU perfomance, the Switch is over 4.6x less powerful docked, and over 11.7x less powerful when undocked vs the PS4. In comparison to the X1, it's over 3.3x less powerful docked, and 8.34x less powerful when undocked.

For further comparion, the xbox 360's graphical performance was 240 gflops, the PS3 was 228, and the Wii U was 176 gflops.

oh wow WTF that is pathetic.

thisthing is never getting any big 3rd party games.

I have a whole thread on this.

Also, it will get the likes of madden/fifa/cod... those are yearly giants that don't push the boundaries of tech. But yes, it won't get the one-off big titles like RDR2, GTA, etc.

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bunchanumbers said:
Werix357 said:

Are you a time traverler too? I saw the same things you describe when I traveled to 2027 ;)

Don't need to travel through time. You just need to look at history. Nintendo has done this several times now. The last year of a Nintendo console is a god forsaken wasteland. Nintendo has already shown that they will abandon hardware. Look at Wii U, N64, GCN. Hell even the last year of Wii was bad. 3 years from now we'll be looking at the last good year for Switch before it gets abandoned in 2020 while we wait for the next Nintendo console to come out in 2021 or 2022, or they abandon consoles altogether.

Yeah I think the majority of time it's because sales dry up, I think one of the inherit problems Nintendo has in targeting a young audience is they grow up and move on to something else. Nintendo could retain these people if they made games that alot of older people are interested in.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
So because they got the concept right, they are going to be write about everything else? Come on guys. Sure, they are slightly0more reliable than your average site. But is that saying much? How hard is it to wait 24 days

They were in contact with people who had dev kits. They have also had reliable spec reveals (PS4 Pro). This isn't your average person who makes sweeping generalizations that are correct no matter what the product ends up being, they are known for their precise leaks.

daredevil.shark said:
bunchanumbers said:

When its not plugged in its around Wii U level. When it is plugged in it isn't even half of Xbox One. Maybe a third of the power of the Xbox One.

Stop misleading. When it's docked its 1/3 of Xbox One. In portable mode it's 1/8.

What are you talking about? 150 GFLOPs is around the performance of the Wii U. Wii U is 172 GFLOPs

Something is not lining up. Not the specs, but the support.

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It's not that bad...

"But from a different perspective, this makes what we have seen even more impressive. Nintendo's hardware is all about an all-in-one console you can take anywhere while continuing to play the same games. We fully expect to see the kinds of fare displayed in the reveal trailer fully realised: Nintendo doing what it does best, basically. Even a 307.2MHz GPU based on Maxwell technology should be capable of out-performing Wii U - and certainly the Zelda: Breath of the Wild demo seen recently on the Jimmy Fallon show revealed a level of performance significantly smoother than that seen in last year's E3 code running on Wii U hardware. We should also remember that Nvidia has produced a bespoke software layer that should allow developers to get much, much more from the processor compared to what we've seen Tegra achieve in the Android-powered Shield console.


Specs are one thing but the games are quite another and what we've seen so far certainly looks impressive bearing in mind that Switch has to operate effectively as a handheld device with a tight power budget."

Source (the same on OP).

It's sad to say that I'm not surprised... by the meltdowns here...

The specs on their own, while I wish they could be better to accommodate *all* 3rd party games without exception, are still rather good. It's really like a far more portable WiiU with extra home console power -- that alone I like

I gotta wonder how many devs will continue to do 720p/low-end skews that fit the Switch hardware. I'm sure many devs do that for the low-end PC gamer crowd and Vita folk, but they move on at some point.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

haqqaton said:

It's not that bad...

"But from a different perspective, this makes what we have seen even more impressive. Nintendo's hardware is all about an all-in-one console you can take anywhere while continuing to play the same games. We fully expect to see the kinds of fare displayed in the reveal trailer fully realised: Nintendo doing what it does best, basically. Even a 307.2MHz GPU based on Maxwell technology should be capable of out-performing Wii U - and certainly the Zelda: Breath of the Wild demo seen recently on the Jimmy Fallon show revealed a level of performance significantly smoother than that seen in last year's E3 code running on Wii U hardware. We should also remember that Nvidia has produced a bespoke software layer that should allow developers to get much, much more from the processor compared to what we've seen Tegra achieve in the Android-powered Shield console.


Specs are one thing but the games are quite another and what we've seen so far certainly looks impressive bearing in mind that Switch has to operate effectively as a handheld device with a tight power budget."

Source (the same on OP).

It ran a Wii U game better! Rejoice!

0D0 said:

It might've been a business decision. Those companies must believe that Switch will sell well despite of its power. So they might try to put their old games on Switch to have a go.

I do think the Switch will be a success even if it is underpowered, but I highly doubt it just being simply a business decision considering how adamant developers like Bethesda have been about not supporting Nintendo systems in the past due to hardware power. Same thing with how From Software laughed at the idea of a Wii U version of Dark Souls 2, but are now fine with supporting the Switch apparently. (Though to be fair the Dark Souls 2 thing was more about playerbase than hardware as i'm sure the Wii U could have ran Dark Souls 2)

If the Switch is just going to be another Wii U-like situation of a significantly underpowered system, I don't see any reason for developers that didn't support the Wii U to all of a sudden change their minds and want to support the Switch, since you could also say that supporting the Wii U would be a business decision, arguably the best time to try to be supporting Nintendo, in that it was coming off of the success of the Wii, so a lot of developers wanted to be there at the start just in case it did take off as another Wii-level success but yet you still didn't see developers like Bethesda or From Software there. The Switch is going off of the failure of the huge failure of the Wii U but yet that list shows more third party support than the Wii U essentially had in its whole entire lifespan. 

It just doesn't add up or make sense, especially once again when you take into account as well what reporters who have been right in the past such as Emily Rogers and even Nvidia themselves have said about the system and how it's easy to get ports, run ports, and that hardware wouldn't be an issue for third party games. 

I guess we'll know in a few weeks though since there's a less than a month now until the January event. 

Captain_Yuri said:
Finally we get some reliable info that actually says something. So it basically runs like a wiiu in portable mode and its a lot faster in docked. I dont think it will get easy ports from ps4/x1 with those specs from Western third parties but we will see.
I fully am expecting it to mainly be a Nintendo/Japanese dev machine

In dock mode it's like Wii U (1/3 of Xbox one) and portable mode it's glorified PS Vita. No joke. Check other threads or neogaf.