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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you think Nintendo will call Switch their 9th gen console?


Switch's console generation

8th gen 24 17.78%
9th gen 80 59.26%
None of the above. Switch... 31 22.96%

The title said it all. I know most of you probably won't agree with the title but hey, it's Nintendo and they can do whatever they want. Switch spec is a huge leap from the 3DS. However Nintendo market Switch primary as a home console and it's spec, despite more powerful than Wii U, is still behind the current gen console. Keep in mind they have done this twice with both Wii and Wii U. Plus it's still their "next gen" console and not a midgen upgrade like the PS4Pro. Ofc there are company who releasing 2 consoles during a single gen but it's like 25 years ago. So what do you think about it?

A handheld gamer only (for now).

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What even is a "generation".

It's Nintendo's next generation console. Not sure where "ninth-gen" comes into it. Industry-wide generations is outdated and meaningless. Switch doesn't fit into that rigid mould. In fact when has Nintendo ever called one of their products either "ninth" or "eighth" generation machine?

It's a terminology I really hope dies out soon among gamers. Doesn't apply in the modern world.

If a manufacturuer decided to release a new console every 2 years would we have to have a million arguments over when the "next-generation" starts.


Without all the main platforms releasing in a semi-synchronous fashion, industry-wide generations is a null and void concept.

No, Nintendo calls it their 7th gen console:

Barkley said:

What even is a "generation".

It's Nintendo's next generation console. Not sure where "ninth-gen" comes into it. Industry-wide generations is outdated and meaningless. Switch doesn't fit into that rigid mould. In fact when has Nintendo ever called one of their products either "ninth" or "eighth" generation machine?

It's a terminology I really hope dies out soon among gamers. Doesn't apply in the modern world.

If a manufacturuer decided to release a new console every 2 years would we have to have a million arguments over when the "next-generation" starts.


Without all the main platforms releasing in a semi-synchronous fashion, industry-wide generations is a null and void concept.

Yeah I get your point. With the switch release, Nintendo are the first company to break the "main platforms releasing in a semi-synchronous fashion" thing. But there is nothing wrong in arguing, right? :p

A handheld gamer only (for now).

Vor said:

Yeah I get your point. With the switch release, Nintendo are the first company to break the "main platforms releasing in a semi-synchronous fashion" thing. But there is nothing wrong in arguing, right? :p

I'm just tired of the arguing. xD

People get really angry over whether it's an "8th gen" or "9th gen" machine, when really it's irrelevant.

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To me Power & compeititon define what generation a console belongs too.
That makes the Switch a 8th gen.

JRPGfan said:
To me Power & compeititon define what generation a console belongs too.
That makes the Switch a 8th gen.

Except the actual definition of Generation would make it a 9th gen console as power and competition have absolutely nothing to do with which gen its in. Generation is, and will always be a time based thing. The successor is always in the next generation regardless of specs. IF GCN was 6th, wii is 7th, wii u is 8th and switch is 9th.

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They definitely will.

uran10 said:
JRPGfan said:
To me Power & compeititon define what generation a console belongs too.
That makes the Switch a 8th gen.

Except the actual definition of Generation would make it a 9th gen console as power and competition have absolutely nothing to do with which gen its in. Generation is, and will always be a time based thing. The successor is always in the next generation regardless of specs. IF GCN was 6th, wii is 7th, wii u is 8th and switch is 9th.  *(I dont see it that way, my understanding of generations is differnt than yours)

the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time:
the term of years, roughly 30 among human beings, accepted as the average period between the birth of parents and the birth of their offspring.
a group of individuals, most of whom are the same approximate age, having similar ideas, problems, attitudes, etc.
a group of individuals belonging to a specific category at the same time:
a single step in natural descent, as of human beings, animals, or plants.
a form, type, class, etc., of objects existing at the same time and having many similarities or developed from a common model or ancestor (often used in combination): a new generation of anticancer drugs;
a third-generation phone.
the offspring of a certain parent or couple, considered as a step in natural descent.

Your saying 5), 7)
Im saying 6), 1), 3),4)

This happends every time someone makes a "what generation is this" thread.
Someone goes its the next in the line, and thats what it means.

Console generations has come to mean more than that.
And even then, you could argue what the actual meaning of generation is, when applied to console generations.

The Switch main competition is the PS4 & XB1, thus it belongs to the same generation of consoles as them.

7th gen (because of power)