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Forums - Sony Discussion - ARK dev: PS4 Pro performance equal to $900 gaming PC

walsufnir said:

He is obviously posting with an agenda which is ok, many do that, either in making threads or posts.

What is really annoying is that either he doesn't even really participate in the discussion later on *OR* is completely resistant to arguments from others, like almost every time. I can't imagine a user here who has been proven wrong so many times. But I have to say that somehow he still thinks he is right and he really thinks that his view on many topics is ok so there is that.

Yeah but the agenda part is what contributes to these types of threads. He claimed to have quit PC gaming yonks ago, yet here we are staring at him making threads where he's trying to pit PC vs PS4P, a single refresh console and trying to put PC into the negative. If he left PC behind then he should have zero issues in not having to bring up PC again, yet we're seeing this happening over and over, like a guy who needs to constantly confirm that he made the "right choice", it's just not healthy.

Yeah that part I do get> last thread of his got locked due to lack of him actually taking part. The resisting of arguments isn't just from him though. We've got others that give us data and charts to run with as well as other information, then that info gets refuted because reasons. That's the part that gets me.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Chazore said:
UnderstatedCornHole said:

Not all of us are that bothered about the games so much but like the tech behind it, or just like hammering out a bit of debate.

Nothing negative going on here, I've learned something myself here and can't say that in most threads on the internet!

I noticed that you made a similar reply beforehand. I wasn't thinking of quoting, but now you've decided to come to me regardless.

What you claim isn't negative, doesn't apply to me or others that perceive differently from you. I've seen these kind of vs threads time and time again all over the net for years and no, they don't end well, not by a long shot. Those that do end well are in the extreme minority.

You could also just not make such a thread and just go on with life, not having to create a vs thread.

Fair comment, I'll say this. It doesn't remind me of anything quite like those threads from a few years ago where the power of the cell in the PS3 was worshipped in some kind of sickly echo chamber. Maybe like you I've seen the worst so this is on fairly safe ground.

But you're quite right thinking about it. People do tend to get a bit upset over this stuff unfortunately.

DonFerrari said:
Pemalite said:

I can drop a new GPU into my "Last Generation" PC and smash the PS4 Pro into next week for $350 AUD or less. (PS4 pro is $550-$600 AUD).
And still get cheaper games, free online. - And that's Australia, where nothing is cheap. Not even beer.

If we are doing comparisons like that Pema I can also say that I can sell my PS4 here in Brazil for R$1500 (around 450USD), and when in USA buy PS4Pro on BF for 330 USD and paying -120USD on the upgrade, how is that for value?


That would not be an appropriate comparison.
You cannot upgrade the internal components in your console other than the hard drive.

Plus my PC existed before this console generation began, you would need to combine the costs of a PS3 and PS4 to get the same kind of usability I have had, cross-generation.
Not only that, but I could probably sell my PC and get more gaming performance overall with a more modern "Mainstream" rig using Socket 1151.

DonFerrari said:

Nope... 4,2TF is real world performance of PS4Pro, the pseudo value was an "invented" 8,4TF on 16bit integer that would have very little application.

Uh. No.

4.2 Teraflops and 8.4 Teraflops are both equally as "real world" as each other, do you understand how flops are relevent to rendering a 3D game? I am more than happy to give you a run down.

It's also got nothing to do with Integers. - They are all floating point with differences in precision, you can also have double precision which on AMD's GCN 4.0 is 1/2 to 1/16th the performance, which means anywhere from 263 Gflops to 2.1 Teraflops for the Playstation 4 Pro.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Chazore said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Can we place a moratorium on conversations like this?

Just because Sony made the PS4 Pro, Sony fans don't suddenly need to sing its praises and act like bleeding edge tech is important to them. You like the Sony ecosystem because of its games, not because it rivals a high-end PC experience (it doesn't, by the way).

If you really care about the fastest frame rates, highest resolution, and largest number of customization options, you'd invest in a powerful rig. But you don't. You like the games available on PS4, and wouldn't like them less if they ran at 720p and 30 fps.

Let's just be honest with ourselves.


Tired of seeing the same old threads where they churn out the same kind of wars over and over.

I play on what I want to play. You don't see me making threads of PC vs PS4P all the time. Hell the last few threads I made were on games themselves. There is nothing to gain with threads like these anyway, all they result in is negative discussions and outcomes.

I'm also happy with 1080p, thinking of moving up to 1440p next year, but I don't remotely care for 4k. 60fps and above is what I want and I'll build to meet that desire.

If you are tired of them you may decide to not participate and spare yourself and others.

walsufnir said:
DonFerrari said:

Scorpio will be in 1 year, so yep should be about the same, the decrease on the cost of PC together with the raise in performance should match.

Based on what? The comparison is wrong right from the start. In terms of performance, you can easily outdo the PS4P with less than $900 and I think it is really worrying that you are going to argue *for* the OP - there is no need for that. The PS4P is already the strongest console available today and nothing is wrong with that. No need to do comparisons, no matter what the guy from ARK said, it's wrong.

Then again, how do you come to the conclusion that a 1.8TF bump would be the same "value" in one year, paired with more and faster ram and a potentially better CPU? How much do you think the PS4P will have in value in one year and can you make a reasonable list that the difference will be exactly what will result in the Scorpio? No, you can't.

Based on the same as you, we don't know much... What i'm going from is supposing his 900 is a right figure (thanks for your worry, but I don't need it), the point of the thread is discussing what the ARK guy said not to throw accusations to others.

Yes we can't be certain about it. So I'm supposing that the gain in performance Scorpio will have and the offset of price on the period will be EQUIVALENT that is quite different from being equal. But you are free to disagree.

Pemalite said:
DonFerrari said:

If we are doing comparisons like that Pema I can also say that I can sell my PS4 here in Brazil for R$1500 (around 450USD), and when in USA buy PS4Pro on BF for 330 USD and paying -120USD on the upgrade, how is that for value?


That would not be an appropriate comparison.
You cannot upgrade the internal components in your console other than the hard drive.

Plus my PC existed before this console generation began, you would need to combine the costs of a PS3 and PS4 to get the same kind of usability I have had, cross-generation.
Not only that, but I could probably sell my PC and get more gaming performance overall with a more modern "Mainstream" rig using Socket 1151.

DonFerrari said:

Nope... 4,2TF is real world performance of PS4Pro, the pseudo value was an "invented" 8,4TF on 16bit integer that would have very little application.

Uh. No.

4.2 Teraflops and 8.4 Teraflops are both equally as "real world" as each other, do you understand how flops are relevent to rendering a 3D game? I am more than happy to give you a run down.

It's also got nothing to do with Integers. - They are all floating point with differences in precision, you can also have double precision which on AMD's GCN 4.0 is 1/2 to 1/16th the performance, which means anywhere from 263 Gflops to 2.1 Teraflops for the Playstation 4 Pro.

But in the thread we are talking about building an entire machine not upgrading parts, so you bringing that you can just swap a card and it will cost less isn't very thread related unless you also consider other can just sell his previous console and pick up the new one.

I'll be happy to see your lecture. But you were the one that said the 8.4TF would be very low application in RW.

And wasn't the double and single precision related to 32bit or 16bit integers?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Chazore said:
Hapuc12 said:

You want someone to watch a 35 minute video of some guy explaining how PC is better for about a 500$ and all the games he reviewed except last 2 we're not even Patched and the last two games (TitanFall and COD) patched look better on Pro then on that build from what i saw.

I didn't watch the whole video but i think that was a pointles link.

You thought it was pointsless because you didn't want to watch it. Doesn't make for sound logic tbh. Just you pointing out that you cba watching a link.


Didn't watch the whole video but from 5 games he reviewed,3 were not optimized for pro and 2 that were looked and ran better on the pro then on that build.

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DonFerrari said:

If you are tired of them you may decide to not participate and spare yourself and others.

Already gave the other suggestion out before, of simply not making said threads to begin with and spare us all.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Hapuc12 said:

Didn't watch the whole video but from 5 games he reviewed,3 were not optimized for pro and 2 that were looked and ran better on the pro then on that build.

And in that territory we could also bring up said games that are not optimized for PC. Ark just happens to be one of them.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

DonFerrari said:





And wasn't the double and single precision related to 32bit or 16bit integers?

No. That's why it's called floats, as in IEEE754. The representation is in a 16 or 32 bit "value" but an integer is by definition a value with no decimal point, rather than a representation of a "real" number (float).

Chazore said:
Hapuc12 said:

Didn't watch the whole video but from 5 games he reviewed,3 were not optimized for pro and 2 that were looked and ran better on the pro then on that build.

And in that territory we could also bring up said games that are not optimized for PC. Ark just happens to be one of them.

Oh i didn't say anything about Ark i just told him that i think it's pointless he posted that link if it didn't had anything to do with ark.

He should have brought ark Pc vs Ps4 pro Optimization,not 5 games that don't have anything to do with the topic at hand he just wanted to say that build is better even though 3 games were not optimized they don't even have a patch for ps4pro and 2 that have a patch run and look better on pro then that build.

That's the thing i told him about the video it is pointless.

Hapuc12 said:
Chazore said:

And in that territory we could also bring up said games that are not optimized for PC. Ark just happens to be one of them.

Oh i didn't say anything about Ark i just told him that i think it's pointless he posted that link if it didn't had anything to do with ark.

He should have brought ark Pc vs Ps4 pro Optimization,not 5 games that don't have anything to do with the topic at hand he just wanted to say that build is better even though 3 games were not optimized they don't even have a patch for ps4pro and 2 that have a patch run and look better on pro then that build.

That's the thing i told him about the video it is pointless.

Even then at the end of the day, Ark is a hot mess and isn't properley optimized for any platform at the moment, the game isn't even fully complete yet.

Don't forget that some devs out theere aren't required by law to patch for the Pro, but on PC, theyd efinitely need to make sure that their game actually runs on the specs listed and other cards out there. if the game runs on the base PS4, it runs on the PS4.

I don't think the video is completely pointless, half of what it contains shows differences in that build compared to the uniform build of the PS4.


I'm not too sure about the idea of not being able to side by side it until one sides is patched, we may as well do this wioth PC as well if that were the case, like with say Arkham Knight, that game on PC release ran like crap, but after a year it's changed, but no one today is going to care to do side by side benchmarks for it.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"