d21lewis said:
One guy bought a regular PS4 and the other bought a Pro. If his console can't play 60fps online, fuck him. Tell him to step his game up.
People claimed Xbox 360 held back PS3 games last gen. Fuck them. Maybe Xbox One is holding back PS4. Maybe regular Xbox One is holding back Xbox One S. I don't know. But why should we superior hardware havers have to settle for weaker games because you people who are used to "the old ways" won't upgrade? You're holding us back.
Okay. I don't really feel this way. But what if I did? How would you feel about being caught in an arms trace against people who own the same brand/games as you?
Hmm gamers actaully think this? Do we need to pull out the Bayonetta DF comparison again?
On paper the PS3 is more powerful, in reality the 360 is more powerful. Think of it as a car race. The PS3 has more horse power while the 360 has alot more traction. Conclusion is the 360 is a well balanced machine and can achieve its protential alot quicker and easier compared to the PS3 which wasnt. Devs even say this not me. Whatever the PS3 can achieved so can the 360.
Just one example
As for your main topic, how do you solve this? So when the Scorpio releases, does that mean devs should just forget about the PS4 and Pro and focus all future games on the next most powerful system? If thats the case we might as well have all games developed on PC which in many 3rd party cases today actually do. Mainly due to the low and high end focus and options.
Devs need a big gaming community to make money. If you want graphics and framerate you shouldnt be gaming on a console in the first place. PC gamers feel the pain of being held back for many years. We are past the 10TF GPUs now while consoles have just broken past 4..
Be thankful that devs actaully focus on the lower common denominator. It means more gamers can actually play the same games as you and helps support the industry.
One thing i love about PC, You play the games the way you want to, not the way they (Consoles) want you to. Its a great freedom to have.