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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

CGI-Quality said:
3sexty said:

Oh yes of course and even Aaron Greenberg thought it was completely fake enough, - so much so he even retweeted it on twitter without knowing what his own division is up to.....Career suicide that is!!  I mean waht a silly thing for an executive member of staff to do...Incorrectly Tweet (or retweet) info about the progress of his own company! Wow some people hey!

Again, hasn't Greenburg re-tweeted incorrect info before? Forza 5 audience as actual people lined up in Japan to buy the Xbox One? Or has my memory failed me?

Fair enough but wouldn't a normal person (particularly an Executive Manager) take something away from making such an error. Would they not perhaps try to avoid a similar thing in future.  I know I would def seek to avoid making the same mistake in my role...  Which leads me to think perhaps he knows something.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

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CGI-Quality said:
3sexty said:

Oh yes of course and even Aaron Greenberg thought it was completely fake enough, - so much so he even retweeted it on twitter without knowing what his own division is up to.....Career suicide that is!!  I mean waht a silly thing for an executive member of staff to do...Incorrectly Tweet (or retweet) info about the progress of his own company! Wow some people hey!

Again, hasn't Greenburg re-tweeted incorrect info before? Forza 5 audience as actual people lined up in Japan to buy the Xbox One? Or has my memory failed me?

I believe that was medhi back then. 

Sony has taken the world by storm again

CGI-Quality said:
3sexty said:

Fair enough but wouldn't a normal person (particularly an Executive Manager) take something away from making such an error. Would they not perhaps try to avoid a similar thing in future.  I know I would def seek to avoid making the same mistake in my role...  Which leads me to think perhaps he knows something.

I'm sure they would try to take precaution, but the point is they've (or he, specifically) have been wrong before.

More importantly, Greenberg has always been a braggart. He doesn't care if it twists the truth, he'll spout it. Here, we have garbage numbers from a couple of fanboys that he knows won't get corrected, as all the leaks have been stopped and Sony and MS aren't saying anything.  Also funny how NPD stomped down on people who had legitimate leaks, yet they leave WC and crapgamer alone? Points even more to them being fake.

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CGI-Quality said:
3sexty said:

Oh yes of course and even Aaron Greenberg thought it was completely fake enough, - so much so he even retweeted it on twitter without knowing what his own division is up to.....Career suicide that is!!  I mean waht a silly thing for an executive member of staff to do...Incorrectly Tweet (or retweet) info about the progress of his own company! Wow some people hey!

Again, hasn't Greenburg re-tweeted incorrect info before? Forza 5 audience as actual people lined up in Japan to buy the Xbox One? Or has my memory failed me?


Oh and apologies for not raising this in my earlier response. But I sincerely think it would be a way lot easier to confuse a line up at a launch with an actual audience on someone else’s twitter picture feed (and then re tweet in good faith albeit quite ignorantly) then to get your own division's numbers wrong which would be ludicrous. I would be almost certain that the numbers he received (via WPC) would have been front of mind and validated when he retweeted these. Seriously as a Division Head how could you not have hard numbers validated before you share. Surely he could not be that arrogant and bold. Otherwise you would not be in in such a senior position. Then again however, I have seen just as bad in organisations I have worked for so who really knows. But for some reason I do not think in this instance that such a controversial post would have been retweeted by a MS exec willy nilly. Its just blatantly too obvious a serious oversight by a senior member of staff. There can be very serious repercussions for the provision of misleading information – and I am sure they are bound by a comprehensive corporate code of conduct in this regard. I know where I work we are. Again who knows for sure until we know….


Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

3sexty said:
Namiirei said:

I told you, it's 120% fake.  

Look at bandorr post on the 50th page, he say everything.

And ofc, this rumor appear just after we learned ps4 victory, not before, talk about coincidence :)

Oh yes of course and even Aaron Greenberg thought it was completely fake enough, - so much so he even retweeted it on twitter without knowing what his own division is up to.....Career suicide that is!!  I mean waht a silly thing for an executive member of staff to do...Incorrectly Tweet (or retweet) info about the progress of his own company! Wow some people hey!

Surely supporting leaked info from NPD that shouldn't be out in public is also a silly thing to do from an executive member of staff. Either way you look at it, fake or not fake, it's quite irresponsible from Aaron. 

Saying that, I'm more inclined to believe the numbers are true. I wish venture beat would of gave us a percentage of how much the hardware is up or down like they did with software. that would of confirmed or debunked this rumour. 

Bandorr said:

I'm not saying the rumour is right, but they are rumoured to be NPD numbers leaked from somebody at Microsoft. The numbers can't be leaked until NPD release the numbers. We found out PS4 won as soon as NPD released the numbers.

Leaked numbers in the past always come after Npd release them. 

And instead of leaking to Kotaku, or IGN, or polygon. They leaked to Moshi/Crapgamer/Windows central?

Wouldn't that be like deep throat went to the inquirer or a high school paper?

Mooch apparently knows somebody who works at Microsoft. We need a reason to not believe them but other that they are fucking idiots, we don't have much to disprove them. 

CGI-Quality said:
3sexty said:

Oh yes of course and even Aaron Greenberg thought it was completely fake enough, - so much so he even retweeted it on twitter without knowing what his own division is up to.....Career suicide that is!!  I mean waht a silly thing for an executive member of staff to do...Incorrectly Tweet (or retweet) info about the progress of his own company! Wow some people hey!

Again, hasn't Greenburg re-tweeted incorrect info before? Forza 5 audience as actual people lined up in Japan to buy the Xbox One? Or has my memory failed me?

That was Yusuf Mehdi.

Won bet with t3mporary_126 - I correctly predicted that the Wii U's LTD at the end of 2014 would be closer to 9 million than 10 million.

Bandorr said:
Aaron greenburg is hilarious. Go read any of his tweets or articles about quantum break.
"We’ve been playing the game; we know it’s a great game. Fingers crossed, but I think we’re sitting on a mega hit."

Cracks me up.

Didn't Greenburg said that Quantum Brake is gonna be the Last Of Us for Xbox.

Or something in that way.