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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Poll: Are Turn based RPGs Dead?

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Are turn-based RPGs in mainstream gaming Dead?

Yeah guys......I know its sad. :-( 61 28.50%
NOO!!!!! NEVER!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH! 153 71.50%

Persona 5
Xenoblade Chronicles X (yes it is turn based,turn based has multiple forms)
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest XI
Shin Megami Tensei IV The Apocalypse
Bravely Default series
Exit Archive
Fire Emblem
Trails of Cold Steel 1,2 and 3
Project X Zone
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Child of Light

Just a few examples of recent and soon to be releases. So far from it. There is actually fewer ARPGs

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No, go play Trails of Cold Steel its amazing.

Do you guys consider the ATB system from final fantasy XIII as turn based?

Fire Emblem
Bravely Default
Dragon Quest..

I would say no

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In the mainstream? Maybe. But where's the fun in limiting yourself to the mainstream?

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I forgot about NI NU KUNI!!!....oh wait...thats not turn based either...

Man, I didn't finish Gears of War 4's campaign  until a couple of days ago because I was so addicted to Lost Odyssey. I wish turn based RPGs would come back big time.

Pokemon alone sends millions upon millions of copies in its first weeks. Maybe the problem resides in the classic JRPGs series having replaced their battle system with some other form of combat, and thus it makes it look like all the turn-base JRPGs are going down in popularity.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Not dead. And I still love them. Demon Gaze was sooo fun for me, and I'm going to start the proper Neptunia games on the Vita as soon as Yakuza 5 is wrapped.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Not dead for sure, but they're not as predominantly the most popular ones anymore. Gone are the fifth and sixth gens, and the turn based RPGs suffered from that.

Although I do prefer turn based combat, its kinda hard to sit down and wait, sometimes the games or combat become tedious do that nature.

I'll always praise Tri-Ace for Star Ocean The Last Hope though, that's probably the most dynamic and fluent combat system I've played in a JRPG. True bliss.