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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4pro HDD vs SSD test up: DF tests & NXGamer. Final 5-40% perf improvement

Conina said:
KBG29 said:
Awesome, I've got a 4TB Evo 850 coming Friday to drop in the Pro. Should give me enough room for all the Retro and VR gaming I want to do for the next couple of years.

So... did your SSD arrive on time? Show us some pictures!

And how much space is available after installing it? (System Storage Management)

Have you already "filled it up" with your all your favorite games? What are your biggest games and how much space is still free? (You can sort the applications by size)

My 2TB-drive looks like this after reinstalling and patching most of my PS4 games:

My Arkham Knight file was 70gb! Still downloading and installing.... :(

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Updated the OP. New test vid showing FF15 running off an SSD with load times reduced by as much as 40-60%!!!!

Intrinsic said:
Updated the OP. New test vid showing FF15 running off an SSD with load times reduced by as much as 40-60%!!!!

But is this due to the SSD or SATA3?

walsufnir said:
Intrinsic said:
Updated the OP. New test vid showing FF15 running off an SSD with load times reduced by as much as 40-60%!!!!

But is this due to the SSD or SATA3?

Definitely both. If only sata 3, on a 5400rpm drive, we shouldn't get literally half the loading time. 

Whatever the case though its still great. Though i feel its on a gsme by game basis cause there are other tests with some games that doesnt show this kinda night and dsy improvements

What about PS4 vs Pro loading times using the standard HDD ? Apparently even using the standard HDD the Pro has better loading times

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Intrinsic said:
walsufnir said:

But is this due to the SSD or SATA3?

Definitely both. If only sata 3, on a 5400rpm drive, we shouldn't get literally half the loading time. 

Whatever the case though its still great. Though i feel its on a gsme by game basis cause there are other tests with some games that doesnt show this kinda night and dsy improvements

I would argue with an SSD and SATA2, you would see similar benefits.

Just saw this FFXV comparison

It's the same as mentioned in the OP but I didn't notice it first at all since the link/embed is broken. Anyways watched the comparison and decided to check if 850 Evo 1tb would be in stock and it was (I've checked everyday for a week without any luck). Can't wait to cut those loading times.

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-Downtown Alanya Kebab magazine issue no.198

I tested a lot of my favorite PS4-games on my PS4 Pro and my old PS4 the last days. In most of these games the loading times after the initial loading are hidden behind cutscenes anyways.

So a big SSD would be a waste of money for me. I also sent back my 2TB-FireCuda... it wasn't faster than my 1.75TB Samsung M9T and the additional 230GB weren't worth the extra 100 €.

Since I get a good price for my old PS4 (the new 1TB-HDD from the Pro went into it), my upgrade costs from PS4 to PS4 Pro (with a fresh warranty) are quite low.

walsufnir said:
Intrinsic said:

Definitely both. If only sata 3, on a 5400rpm drive, we shouldn't get literally half the loading time. 

Whatever the case though its still great. Though i feel its on a gsme by game basis cause there are other tests with some games that doesnt show this kinda night and dsy improvements

I would argue with an SSD and SATA2, you would see similar benefits.

There's no point to argue, as this can literally be tested by using identical SSD drives on a regular Ps4 and on a Pro.

A year ago I tested a bit SanDisk Ultra II 960GB SSD on my PS4 compared to stock HGST 500GB 5400rpm HDD:
FULL PS4 START-----------------------------35s-------25s
FALLOUT4 START(UNTIL MENU)--------22s-------20s
THE WITCHER3 START---------------------34s-------28s
THE WITCHER3-SAVE LOAD--------------93s-------68s
ROCKET LEAGUE START-------------------22s-------19s