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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Shadow1980 said:
Here's the final update to the October rankings:

PS VR launch bundle: #25 (↓3)
PS4 Pro: #26* (—)
PS VR: #29 (—)
PS4 Slim Uncharted 4 bundle: #47 (↑2)
PS4 standalone: #57 (—)
PS4 Uncharted 4 LE bundle: #61 (↑1)
New 3DS XL (Galaxy): #87 (↑2)
XBO S 1TB Madden bundle: #91 (↑1)
XBO S 2TB Gears 4 LE bundle: #93 (↑1)
XBO S 1TB Battlefield 1 bundle: #98 (↑1)

I will add these to the October thread's OP in a minute, and that'll wrap up another month.

Now for the initial rankings for Week 1 of November:

PS4 Pro: #14
PS VR: #19
PS4 Slim Uncharted 4 bundle: #38
PS4 Uncharted 4 LE bundle: #41
New 3DS XL (Lime Green): #45
XBO S 500GB Battlefield 1 bundle: #60
New 3DS XL (Galaxy): #62
PS4 standalone: #68
XBO S 1TB Battlefield 1 bundle: #88

No more asterisk next to the Pro. :)

This month is GG Easy for the Pro. I wonder who won last month in the USA(less than 1 week until the NPD's data).

Around the Network

Pokemon is going to outsell Cod BF and Fifa isnt it?

iNathan said:
Pokemon is going to outsell Cod BF and Fifa isnt it?

Pokemon is the GTA of Nintendo's handheld consoles.

iNathan said:
Pokemon is going to outsell Cod BF and Fifa isnt it?

Honestly i think Worldwide it will.

In USA, don't know yet.

4 hours since last update:


#08 PS4 Pro (up 2)
#26 PS4s UC4 Bundle (up 4)
#33 PSVR Headset (up 2)
#35 N3DSXL Lime (down 2)
#47 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 5)
#51 N3DSXL SL Bundle (up 2)
#56 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (up 6)
#66 N3DSXL Galaxy (down 17)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#01 3DS Pokemon Moon (same)
#02 3DS Pokemon Sun (same)
#41 PSVR Robinson The Journey (up 2)

3 in the top 100 / 3 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10
1 in the top 100 / 0 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10


The PS5 Exists. 

Around the Network

Pokemon doing very well! Probably the last big game for the 3DS

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Geesh what is up with the XB1 bundles on Amazon...they KILLED it last month on BB and others but on here they just seem to be doing little to nothing. It is so strange....well anyway Pokemon is doing it's thing and the PS4 is really making a move with the PS4s taking a big jump into the 20s!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

TheBlackNaruto said:
Geesh what is up with the XB1 bundles on Amazon...they KILLED it last month on BB and others but on here they just seem to be doing little to nothing. It is so strange....well anyway Pokemon is doing it's thing and the PS4 is really making a move with the PS4s taking a big jump into the 20s!

Xbox one owners that wanted to upgrade to the slim model have already done so the previous months.

Ps4 pro and ps4 slim doing superbly.

Pro jumped up to number 76 on the yearly. The items in the upper 70's and low 80's must have been pretty close to one another.