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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

celador said:
That same source had Xbox ahead of PS4 last year too and we know how last November turned out

That comparison, like I already said, makes so sense. No sense at all. Infscout (offline) went TOTALLY different compared to last year. And there's your answer.

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Raptor said:
celador said:
That same source had Xbox ahead of PS4 last year too and we know how last November turned out

That comparison, like I already said, makes so sense. No sense at all. Infscout (offline) went TOTALLY different compared to last year. And there's your answer.

Comparing the same source two years running doesn't make sense? Ok then. And Infoscout was pretty similar to last year actually.

Hey, what did you think of BF sales in the U.K.? PS4 outsold X1 by 50%

Raptor said:
celador said:
That same source had Xbox ahead of PS4 last year too and we know how last November turned out

That comparison, like I already said, makes so sense. No sense at all. Infscout (offline) went TOTALLY different compared to last year. And there's your answer.

Infoscout also claimed that the Wii U garnered a 17% market share on Black Friday last year, nearly half of the ps4 or Xbox One's sales. For the month it sold 240k, while the ps4 did 1.5 and the Xbox 1.3 million. So I wouldn't put too much stock into them. 


That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if Xbox sold more on black friday or November, for that matter, but I wouldn't place much faith in these sort of trackers. 

look a source just said, xbox did well online, lets all chill down wait for the official numbers, but altough everyone agrees Sony will win november because of PS4 Pro pre orders and they should have a good month because of PSVR, PS4 Pro and the new slim model and FFXV release which most will play on that platform.

The BF sales numbers MIGHT be closer then many expected, but like I said, lets all just cool down and also realize that if the XBOX One theoretical came out on top, it doesn't say the PS4 sales aren't close and it also doesn't meen that both consoles didn't sell incredibly well, which seems to be the case whichever console sold better on BF

Twitter @CyberMalistix

Raptor said:

Kinda surprised that noone posted this already:

Looks like XBox One won the Black Friday ONLINE (according to Adobe):

"The five top selling electronic products on Black Friday were Apple iPads, Samsung 4k TVs, Apple MacBook Air, LG TVs and Microsoft Xbox."

Combined with the Infoscout graphic it looks like XOne has a shot of winning November despite strong PS4 Amazon sales and the Launch of the Pro.

That's kinda crazy...and I love it!

Another key part of that article.

"Most popular products of the season: For the entire season so far (Nov. 1 – 24), PlayStation 4 is the best-selling video game console, followed by Microsoft Xbox One. Pokémon Sun and Moon leads in video games, followed by Call of Duty. Samsung 4K TVs lead in televisions, followed by Vizio 4K TVs."

Around the Network
celador said:
Raptor said:

That comparison, like I already said, makes so sense. No sense at all. Infscout (offline) went TOTALLY different compared to last year. And there's your answer.

Comparing the same source two years running doesn't make sense? Ok then. And Infoscout was pretty similar to last year actually.

Hey, what did you think of BF sales in the U.K.? PS4 outsold X1 by 50%

Oh wow...salty :D

Infoscout wasn't similar compared to last year. Not even close^^

Thats why comparing the Adobe numbers makes so sense. You're ignoring the whole picture for the sake of your argument. Just using one half of the numbers makes no sense while ignoring the rest. Okay then.

10 hours since last update:

#01 PS4s UC4 Bundle (same)
#02 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (same)
#16 N3DSXL Lime (down 1)
#29 XB1s-1tb Battflield Bundle (down 13)
#38 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (down 10)
#43 XB1s-1tb Gears Bundle (up 3)
#45 PS4 Pro (down 13)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)

Nothing at the moment

2 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 1 in the top 5
4 in the top 100 / 4 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 1 in the top 5


The PS5 Exists. 

It will be close. 10% differense tops.

malistix1985 said:
look a source just said, xbox did well online, lets all chill down wait for the official numbers, but altough everyone agrees Sony will win november because of PS4 Pro pre orders and they should have a good month because of PSVR, PS4 Pro and the new slim model and FFXV release which most will play on that platform.

The BF sales numbers MIGHT be closer then many expected, but like I said, lets all just cool down and also realize that if the XBOX One theoretical came out on top, it doesn't say the PS4 sales aren't close and it also doesn't meen that both consoles didn't sell incredibly well, which seems to be the case whichever console sold better on BF

Like I said, it was going to be close. The Xbox one had a better slim, and the ps4 had the pro releasing.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

Raptor said:
celador said:

Comparing the same source two years running doesn't make sense? Ok then. And Infoscout was pretty similar to last year actually.

Hey, what did you think of BF sales in the U.K.? PS4 outsold X1 by 50%

Oh wow...salty :D

Infoscout wasn't similar compared to last year. Not even close^^

Thats why comparing the Adobe numbers makes so sense. You're ignoring the whole picture for the sake of your argument. Just using one half of the numbers makes no sense while ignoring the rest. Okay then.

Not salty. Infoscout showed X1 doing better in one store compared to last year, aside from that PS4 and X1 won the stores they usually do this gen. 

And talking of ignoring and salt, any mention of those UK numbers? 4 months of wins obliterated in a few weeks.