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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Its definitely possible that XBox won Black Friday, its unlikely they even come close to the PS4 numbers in November, if they have less then 300k difference on the NPD of november, I would be shocked, with the PS4 pro pre orders and strong PS4 sales on BF they would have needed to sell an insane amount lol

Twitter @CyberMalistix

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malistix1985 said:
Its definitely possible that XBox won Black Friday, its unlikely they even come close to the PS4 numbers in November, if they have less then 300k difference on the NPD of november, I would be shocked, with the PS4 pro pre orders and strong PS4 sales on BF they would have needed to sell an insane amount lol

Things just got really interesting. Black Friday was just one day but the whole weekend PLUS Cyber Monday will be crucial. I am not so sure about the winner anymore. Leaning towards Playstation but XBox did so much better than I expected. Especially online.

What a turn around after everyone called XBox dead after Microsoft announced the whole xbox-exclusive-games-on-pcs-thing =)

Raptor said:

Kinda surprised that noone posted this already:

Looks like XBox One won the Black Friday ONLINE (according to Adobe):

"The five top selling electronic products on Black Friday were Apple iPads, Samsung 4k TVs, Apple MacBook Air, LG TVs and Microsoft Xbox."

Combined with the Infoscout graphic it looks like XOne has a shot of winning November despite strong PS4 Amazon sales and the Launch of the Pro.

That's kinda crazy...and I love it!

You do realize that same link says PS4 outsold Xbox all month lol or did you not read that far? Also this is only online which is a small amount of actual sale anyways.

Preston Scott

Raptor said:
malistix1985 said:
Its definitely possible that XBox won Black Friday, its unlikely they even come close to the PS4 numbers in November, if they have less then 300k difference on the NPD of november, I would be shocked, with the PS4 pro pre orders and strong PS4 sales on BF they would have needed to sell an insane amount lol

Things just got really interesting. Black Friday was just one day but the whole weekend PLUS Cyber Monday will be crucial. I am not so sure about the winner anymore. Leaning towards Playstation but XBox did so much better than I expected. Especially online.

What a turn around after everyone called XBox dead after Microsoft announced the whole xbox-exclusive-games-on-pcs-thing =)

Xbox <> Pc digital thing is the reason I am buying a scorpio, you buy a game digitally and get it on both systems, its pro consumer, nobody with their right minds would not buy a xbox for that, and people who buy a pc (like me) are going to have a pc anyway, but might actually be pursuaded to just also get a console to play with friends and hook it up to the television.

On my PS4 I actually bought a ton of games twice, on pc and console, because I don't always prefer the one or the other, the more games use Microsofts system, the better for the consumer.

Anyway, I tought the announcement of the Scorpio and the Release of VR and PS4Pro would hurt the Xbox, but apparently, the US doesn't seem to care. Which is great for Microsoft I guess, since they really need that win especially since in the UK we did see Sony come out on top and the rest of the world is always going to Sony every week

Twitter @CyberMalistix

DaveTheMinion13 said:
Raptor said:

Kinda surprised that noone posted this already:

Looks like XBox One won the Black Friday ONLINE (according to Adobe):

"The five top selling electronic products on Black Friday were Apple iPads, Samsung 4k TVs, Apple MacBook Air, LG TVs and Microsoft Xbox."

Combined with the Infoscout graphic it looks like XOne has a shot of winning November despite strong PS4 Amazon sales and the Launch of the Pro.

That's kinda crazy...and I love it!

You do realize that same link says PS4 outsold Xbox all month lol or did you not read that far? Also this is only online which is a small amount of actual sale anyways.

You do realize that Adobe is only talking abot *online* numbers? There are NO retail consoles within that numbers...



Fully agreed. But there were soooo many people around here who already doomed the xbox. Like a lot, u know.

Around the Network
Raptor said:

Kinda surprised that noone posted this already:

Looks like XBox One won the Black Friday ONLINE (according to Adobe):

"The five top selling electronic products on Black Friday were Apple iPads, Samsung 4k TVs, Apple MacBook Air, LG TVs and Microsoft Xbox."

Combined with the Infoscout graphic it looks like XOne has a shot of winning November despite strong PS4 Amazon sales and the Launch of the Pro.

That's kinda crazy...and I love it!

I have no idea which company will "win" black friday or November, but I would like to point out that Adobe also said the Xbox won online last year. 

Ariakon said:
Raptor said:

Kinda surprised that noone posted this already:

Looks like XBox One won the Black Friday ONLINE (according to Adobe):

"The five top selling electronic products on Black Friday were Apple iPads, Samsung 4k TVs, Apple MacBook Air, LG TVs and Microsoft Xbox."

Combined with the Infoscout graphic it looks like XOne has a shot of winning November despite strong PS4 Amazon sales and the Launch of the Pro.

That's kinda crazy...and I love it!

I have no idea which company will "win" black friday or November, but I would like to point out that Adobe also said the Xbox won online last year. 

True. And Xbox lost the retailer market according to Infoscout (2015). As someone pointed out, offline sales are still much bigger than online sales. This year however, Infoscout has XBox up in front.

Edit: Excuse my rusty english guys. Thx a lot!

prinz please give up bro lol

Raptor said:
malistix1985 said:
Its definitely possible that XBox won Black Friday, its unlikely they even come close to the PS4 numbers in November, if they have less then 300k difference on the NPD of november, I would be shocked, with the PS4 pro pre orders and strong PS4 sales on BF they would have needed to sell an insane amount lol

Things just got really interesting. Black Friday was just one day but the whole weekend PLUS Cyber Monday will be crucial. I am not so sure about the winner anymore. Leaning towards Playstation but XBox did so much better than I expected. Especially online.

What a turn around after everyone called XBox dead after Microsoft announced the whole xbox-exclusive-games-on-pcs-thing =)

They released a follow-up article for Cyber Monday. I think you might find this segment interesting:

Most popular products of the season: For the entire season so far (November 1-28), PlayStation 4 is the best-selling video game console, Pokémon Sun & Moon leads in video game sales, Samsung 4K TV leads in television sales, and iPad Air 2 leads in tablet sales.

That same source had Xbox ahead of PS4 last year too and we know how last November turned out