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Forums - Sales Discussion - September 2016 NPD Thread! XBO #1; PS4 Slim flops

great news for the xbox one!

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Xb1 wil take october as well due to gears of war, however, November will be more interesting. We will know for sure if the ps4 pro is really holding the ps4 slim back.

GribbleGrunger said:
Guitarguy said:
I'm a Sony guy but even I must say Microsoft deserves this one. Stripping out the optical port on the Slim and not including a UHD blu ray drive in the Pro was really disappointing. Even not including a UHD drive in the Slim disappointed me but I thought that it would be in the Pro as a selling feature. Hopefully this lights a fire under Sony as I feel they were getting a bit too comfortable in the last 12 months.

Sony are just fine. The XB1 got a bump because of bargains with the XB1 and the PS4 slumped a little because of people waiting for the Pro. Any sales lost this month will be added to next month. It's that simple.

I don't doubt that Sony will continue out-selling the Xbox One by 2:1 montly worldwide(if not more). However I do hope that Sony are more vigilant in going forward in terms of exclusives, first party software, value and hardware innovation.

Xbox should continue it's streak with October as people hold off for the pro and gears release. Logic says a Sony win in November but I can see a ridiculous price for the XB1 OG to clear remaining stock on Black Friday making it closer then people expect.

Angelv577 said:
Xb1 wil take october as well due to gears of war, however, November will be more interesting. We will know for sure if the ps4 pro is really holding the ps4 slim back.

I'm really convinced it is the case.
Why would you buy a PS4 Slim when the pro is out in 1 month and you get way more value for the price.

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miqdadi said:
I expected Ps4 slim to perform better, anyway Pro is coming and that's where sales will peak, slim will sell overtime I guess when it takes place of the original
Xbox 1s is still holding on, lets see how it will do in the holidays

It will, when they announce that Infinite Warfare bundle. 

When did people start putting that much faith in Amazon rankings? Back in the day anyone bringing up Amazon as a sales reference was shamed and baby seal were clubbed.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

When did people start putting that much faith in Amazon rankings? Back in the day anyone bringing up Amazon as a sales reference was shamed and baby seal were clubbed.

When did the VGC numbers start coming late?  People want to talk sales, have to find some metric to discuss.

TruckOSaurus said:

When did people start putting that much faith in Amazon rankings? Back in the day anyone bringing up Amazon as a sales reference was shamed and baby seal were clubbed.

It grew over time when it kept predicting the outcome right. Its still over 95% accurate with its first wrong prediction.

Even this one, its probably only by a small margin the xbox won, and probably because of fire sales other places.

Nymeria said:
TruckOSaurus said:

When did people start putting that much faith in Amazon rankings? Back in the day anyone bringing up Amazon as a sales reference was shamed and baby seal were clubbed.

When did the VGC numbers start coming late?  People want to talk sales, have to find some metric to discuss.

Pretty much this I think, when you don't have accurate (slightly) numbers to discuss you default by going to the next best thing... any numbers.

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