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LuccaCardoso1 said:
Flilix said:

Best Eurovision songs this year:

I like Italy's song, not one of my top 5 though.

Hungary's song doesn't appeal to me, I'm not a big fan of the genre.

Denmark's song is great and epic, but it pales in comparison to some other songs.

I really dislike Estonia's entry this year. My ears hurt listening to it.

From the ones you listed, I like Belgium and Greece best. France and Portugal are alright. But Israel is probably my least favourite entry this year.

What's wrong with Estonia though? She's the best singer in the competition!

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Flilix said:
LuccaCardoso1 said:

I like Italy's song, not one of my top 5 though.

Hungary's song doesn't appeal to me, I'm not a big fan of the genre.

Denmark's song is great and epic, but it pales in comparison to some other songs.

I really dislike Estonia's entry this year. My ears hurt listening to it.

From the ones you listed, I like Belgium and Greece best. France and Portugal are alright. But Israel is probably my least favourite entry this year.

What's wrong with Estonia though? She's the best singer in the competition!

Yeah, Elina is probably the best singer in this year's Eurovision, but the song is obnoxious. Just like Norway's "That's How You Write a Song", I can't listen to the whole thing without feeling extremely annoyed and irritated. I can't explain it technically, but that's how I feel.

LuccaCardoso1 said:
Flilix said:

From the ones you listed, I like Belgium and Greece best. France and Portugal are alright. But Israel is probably my least favourite entry this year.

What's wrong with Estonia though? She's the best singer in the competition!

Yeah, Elina is probably the best singer in this year's Eurovision, but the song is obnoxious. Just like Norway's "That's How You Write a Song", I can't listen to the whole thing without feeling extremely annoyed and irritated. I can't explain it technically, but that's how I feel.

That's how I feel about Isreal. Great singer, obnoxious song.

Norway is pretty mediocre imo. Catchy song with horrible lyrics.

Deadmau5 - 4ware

Heard Spacehog on some Netflix series last week and have been on a 90s alt rock kick since.

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Timeless bops.



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Last edited by Keybladewielder - on 07 April 2018

Dat comeback.