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A friend and I got to talking about 90s rap a week ago, so Liquid Swords has been listened to completion about five times now. Duel of the Iron Mic always gets me fired up.

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LuccaCardoso1 said:

My favorite song from my favorite album of 2017 (and one of my favorites of all time), from one of the best current pop singers/songwriters.

God I love this song! So personal and touching. It's a shame it's so short.

Signature goes here!

I've been listening to some great 2017 albums these days, and I found out some albums I've never heard of which were pretty great! I'd recommend to listen to some of them. Some songs to know about these albums:

Oh, and, yeah, Lorde's album is also fantastic, but you already talked about it xD. I think we could already tell since Pure Heroine was released that Lorde was going to be a phenomenal songwriter. I'm happy that she's doing fine. When I think about more "pop" music, she, Grimes and Beyoncé always pop out in my mind when I think about it. I'd say that Lorde was a big influence in introducing a more minimalistic approach to pop music, which I enjoy. The first time I heard "Royals" I thought that was something special.

Last edited by Volterra_90 - on 21 January 2018

Alvvays - Dreams Tonite


I've been listening to this album almost non-stop for the last few days. Its not usually my genre, but I'd still say its one of my favorites of 2017.

Galactic Empire

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Volterra_90 said:

I've been listening to some great 2017 albums these days, and I found out some albums I've never heard of which were pretty great! I'd recommend to listen to some of them. Some songs to know about these albums:

Hard Times is magnificent! I'm not a big fan of Paramore's usual music, but this one I really enjoyed. The contrast between the kinda depressing lyrics and the upbeat instruments is very interesting.

Volterra_90 said: 

I'd say that Lorde was a big influence in introducing a more minimalistic approach to pop music, which I enjoy. The first time I heard "Royals" I thought that was something special.

Melodrama is actually a very experimental album, which surprised me coming from such a big name. I thought Royals was too overplayed when it first came out, but when I revisited it last year I could finally understand its greatness. It was actually the song that got me to listen to Melodrama for the first time. I had kinda forgotten about Lorde before that, tbh.

Volterra_90 said:

I've been listening to some great 2017 albums these days, and I found out some albums I've never heard of which were pretty great! I'd recommend to listen to some of them. Some songs to know about these albums:

Paramore's After Laughter is such an amazing album. I love Hard Times, though my favorite song in the album is Told you So.

Currently I'm sooooooooooooooo addicted to this song 

Red cold river by Breaking Benjamin.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

LuccaCardoso1 said:

Hard Times is magnificent! I'm not a big fan of Paramore's usual music, but this one I really enjoyed. The contrast between the kinda depressing lyrics and the upbeat instruments is very interesting.

Melodrama is actually a very experimental album, which surprised me coming from such a big name. I thought Royals was too overplayed when it first came out, but when I revisited it last year I could finally understand its greatness. It was actually the song that got me to listen to Melodrama for the first time. I had kinda forgotten about Lorde before that, tbh.

Paramore's usual music (at least before the self-titled album, which was also pretty good) was like: "I'm a rock band! Look how cool I am! XD". Not they went full pop and they're pretty good at it. The two last albums totally blew away anything they put in the past. 

About Melodrama, the album was pretty experimental yep. And better than the first one, which is crazy. I was never a fan of pop music generally speaking, but I can't deny that lately there were some pretty good pop albums. Even Kesha made an awesome album too xD.

Last edited by Volterra_90 - on 23 January 2018