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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What characters do you hope to see in the next Smash Bros?

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Anyone who isn't Snake

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Itsuki Aoi from TMS #FE with SSJ Marth as Final Smash

Isaac/Felix/Matthew from Golden Sun with Judgement Day or Meggido as Final Smash

Wonder Red from TW101. Platinum Robo as Final Smash

Pichu, because it's my favorite Pokémon and I never had the chance to play Melee so I never got to play with him. Hopefully with a reworked moveset too. Also because I'd kill for a Pichu amiibo lol.

Ice Climbers, seeing as they were only cut because of the 3DS version and there's no excuse for not bringing them back in the next Smash Bros.

Takamaru from The Mysterious Murasame Castle, for no particular reason other than he looks cool and he's already an assist trophy.

I'd also like a new third-party and/or indie character. I'm thinking something like Bomberman, Commander Video or Jade from BG&E (This one would only make sense if the rumors about the sequel coming to NX are true though).

The great mighty poo from conker. His final smash would give you the shits lol. Look he already has a page on smash wiki.


I feel that Smash is already saturated with characters and adding more will just make the game even more unbalanced

I wouldn't mind having more Fire Emblem characters though :p

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Elma has to be in.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

I want Shovel Knight ~Thank you Stefl1504 for the amazing sig~