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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. September bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

4 hours since last update:

 #15 PS4Pro (down 1)*
#24 N3DSXL Solgaleo Lunala Black (same)*
#29 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (up 6)
#33 PS4s UC4 Bundle (up 5)
#41 XB1s-500gb Halo Bundle (up 1)
#54 N3DSXL Galaxy (up 1)
#55 Scorpio Spec Sheet (up 2)*
#77 XB1s-1tb Madden Bundle (up 8)

Does not affect this month (*)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#09 3DS Pokemon Sun (same)
#10 3DS Pokemon Moon (same)
#18 3DS Pokemon Sun&Moon (same)
#30 XB1 FH3 Ultimate Edition (up 2)
#36 3DS Shin Megami IV (up 1)
#58 XB1 FH3 (up 4)


The PS5 Exists. 

Around the Network

Maybe people are waiting on that free game deal MS is supposed to have the week after next. I'm sure MS is going to strongly hint at people to get FH3 so it can boost the numbers some.

RJ_Sizzle said:
Maybe people are waiting on that free game deal MS is supposed to have the week after next. I'm sure MS is going to strongly hint at people to get FH3 so it can boost the numbers some.

Microsoft did this to themselves. They devalued their console by giving out ridiculous deals and now people expect it of them. What Sony have done is actually very clever because the Pro enables them to sustain a higher price without the need to devalue their PS4s. There will be deals for both consoles but the way it's looking at the moment, my prediction of a XB1 slump post Christmas looks to be on the cards.


The PS5 Exists. 

malistix1985 said:
Swordmasterman said:

The last months of the year are the best months for Microsoft, they rely on that. But from January to Scorpio's launch, the sales of Xbox will be sad.

Sea of Thieves, Crackdown and Halo Wars might push a few units, but yes, Sony will dominate, especially since most PS4 exclusives, like horizon and persona (for west) got pushed to next year, that won't help.

Maybe Microsoft can get some momentem with a good E3 and get people to wait for Scorpio, but a complete year is rough for them. Especially with the original PS4 model being more populair then their console before the Pro launched.

Scorpio is still 1 year away. A lot of people will purchase a Xbox Slim even with the Scorpio coming out. But, the closer we get to the release, more negative is the effect on the  Xbox.

We still need to know how they will price the Scorpio

GribbleGrunger said:
RJ_Sizzle said:
Maybe people are waiting on that free game deal MS is supposed to have the week after next. I'm sure MS is going to strongly hint at people to get FH3 so it can boost the numbers some.

Microsoft did this to themselves. They devalued their console by giving out ridiculous deals and now people expect it of them. What Sony have done is actually very clever because the Pro enables them to sustain a higher price without the need to devalue their PS4s. There will be deals for both consoles but the way it's looking at the moment, my prediction of a XB1 slump post Christmas looks to be on the cards.

Do you think that they will be able to make better deals for the Xbox One than the ones that they made in the last few months ?

Around the Network
Swordmasterman said:

Do you think that they will be able to make better deals for the Xbox One than the ones that they made in the last few months ?

They've backed themselves into a corner with their past deals and now the 5 Halo games bundle. What else can they do? Either they accept falling behind even faster or they lose money in order to slow down how fast they fall behind. I don't see a way out for them and IF they continue this strategy it will devalue XB as a brand overall. You can tell which company makes and sells hardware.

And as I pointed out and you've pointed out above, as we get nearer the release of the Scorpio, more and more people will wait. That's one of the reasons I predicted a huge slump post Christmas but it's also because MS will once again have ridiculous deals and focus all their software on Christmas, leaving Sony not only sweep up with the Pro/PSVR in Nov/Dec but also at the beginning of next year when the exclusive releases will make it feel like an extra Christmas.


The PS5 Exists. 

RJ_Sizzle said:
Maybe people are waiting on that free game deal MS is supposed to have the week after next. I'm sure MS is going to strongly hint at people to get FH3 so it can boost the numbers some.

I'm sure they will, but I think they originally made that free game deal available because they thought Final Fantasy XV would be releasing this week and wanted to counter a potential PS4 bundle. Those free game weeks tend to always fall on the weeks of major game releases featuring a PS4 bundle. I also don't know if people are waiting for the deal, as it's really only known to the cheapassgamer crowd at the moment. 

Ariakon said:
RJ_Sizzle said:
Maybe people are waiting on that free game deal MS is supposed to have the week after next. I'm sure MS is going to strongly hint at people to get FH3 so it can boost the numbers some.

I'm sure they will, but I think they originally made that free game deal available because they thought Final Fantasy XV would be releasing this week and wanted to counter a potential PS4 bundle. Those free game weeks tend to always fall on the weeks of major game releases featuring a PS4 bundle. I also don't know if people are waiting for the deal, as it's really only known to the cheapassgamer crowd at the moment. 

Poor Microsoft. They should stop of making those kind of moves to counter other companies. I think that they purchased Tomb Raider's timed exclusivity to compete against Uncharted 4, that would launch in the same month.

Consoles from the Future domination!

Monthly update

#03 / PS4 Pro (down 1)
#31 / PS4 CoD BOIII 500gb (same)
#32 / XBO S Halo 5 500gb (same)
#60 / PS4 Slim Uncharted 4 500gb (up 5)
#68 / PS4 Uncharted 4 limited edition (same)
#72 / XBO S 2TB (up 1)
#75 / PSVita (down 3)
#78 / New 3DS Galaxy (up 4)
#81 / PS4 (down 3)
#87 / XBO S Madden 1TB (up 1)
#90 / New 3DS Solgaleo Lunala (New)