How's the day job going! |
It has become non-stop lol.
How's the day job going! |
It has become non-stop lol.
GribbleGrunger said: 4 hours since last update: |
What's the msrp of the Scorpio spec sheet? Does it come in a box or is it just a sheet of paper? Does it fold into an origami console?
I wonder what the NX specs will do when they're announced.
Kerotan said: Ps4 promimation!! |
You're probably going to want to get that checked out.
Xbox One still winning after the meeting, surprise surprise m.... the king is back (I love Conor Mcgregor lol)
4 hours since last update:
#01 PS4Pro (same)*
#25 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (same)
#30 XB1s-500gb Halo Bundle (down 4)
#36 PS4s UC4 Bundle (up 1)
#48 PS4 UC4 Bundle (down 1)
#65 Scorpio Spec Sheet (up 20)*
#70 XB1s-2tb (down 5)
#92 PS4 Fool's Edition (down 10)
SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#09 3DS Pokemon Moon (same)
#11 3DS Pokemon Sun (same)
#16 3DS Pokemon Sun&Moon (same)
#33 3DS Dragon Quest VII (same)
#41 XB1 Recore (up 3)
#73 XB1 FH3 Ultimate Edition (up 2)
Does not affect this month (*)
The PS5 Exists.
iTzCharlie said: Xbox One still winning after the meeting, surprise surprise m.... the king is back (I love Conor Mcgregor lol) |
Huh? I see 2 ps4 's above xone
iTzCharlie said: Xbox One still winning after the meeting, surprise surprise m.... the king is back (I love Conor Mcgregor lol) |
I think you're in the wrong thread. LOL
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