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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. September bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

thismeintiel said:

That's not even mentioning VR. If that takes off, PS4 is going to be the place the mainstream goes. Instead of paying $1500+ for a headset and PC to run the games, you can get a PS4+PSVR for possibly $599-$649 this holiday season. That's $100+ less than a PC VR headset.

I could just wait for the next headset refinement and price change as well as library build up for either of the two PC VR headsets and still keep my already VR ready PC which saves me money in the longrun. OR from their store costs $600 and will go down in price with time, meanwhile you can spend $500-600 without going over the silly $1500-2000 price via choosing components that aren't overpriced. Sites like PC parts picker allow you to see what parts cost what against others along with which vendors sell for the most or cheapest.

I don't see why PC players should drop everything and go for PSVR rather than being patient as well as using their rigs that are VR ready and just waiting for the library to build up and VR in general to prove itself.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Around the Network


Looking forward to the Playstation take over. Hyped for tomorrows reveals and the effects it has on the chart.

iTzCharlie said:
Oh no why you said that, now they will tell you "have fun now, beacause sony is the best and will release 2 better console in 1 day" gne gne......LOL

What's the point? 

Edit - I see mod dealt with it. 

Chazore said:
thismeintiel said:

That's not even mentioning VR. If that takes off, PS4 is going to be the place the mainstream goes. Instead of paying $1500+ for a headset and PC to run the games, you can get a PS4+PSVR for possibly $599-$649 this holiday season. That's $100+ less than a PC VR headset.

I could just wait for the next headset refinement and price change as well as library build up for either of the two PC VR headsets and still keep my already VR ready PC which saves me money in the longrun. OR from their store costs $600 and will go down in price with time, meanwhile you can spend $500-600 without going over the silly $1500-2000 price via choosing components that aren't overpriced. Sites like PC parts picker allow you to see what parts cost what against others along with which vendors sell for the most or cheapest.

I don't see why PC players should drop everything and go for PSVR rather than being patient as well as using their rigs that are VR ready and just waiting for the library to build up and VR in general to prove itself.

You may want to reread what I wrote. Nowhere did I imply PC gamers are going to drop their PCs in favor of PS VR. Though, if Sony makes it PC compatible, they wouldn't have to anyway. No, what I said was the mainstream gaming audience. The ones that don't have powerful rigs to run VR. Nor want to spend the money upgrading theirs or buying a new one. They are the type who would more likely choose PS VR because of ease of use and affordability.

thismeintiel said:

You may want to reread what I wrote. Nowhere did I imply PC gamers are going to drop their PCs in favor of PS VR. Though, if Sony makes it PC compatible, they wouldn't have to anyway. No, what I said was the mainstream gaming audience. The ones that don't have powerful rigs to run VR. Nor want to spend the money upgrading theirs or buying a new one. They are the type who would more likely choose PS VR because of ease of use and affordability.

No you didn't, but you implied mainstream which can also include other crowds that become a part of the mainstream, PC players for example certainly aren't a niche crowd, they aren't composed of moms and dads but neither are the current gen of systems either, that leaves us with teens and young to old adults which game on both platforms.

LIke I said before hardware gets refiend over time and drops in price, the other two headsets will get theirs in time like everything else does. Also I see more choosing 50/60 models of GPU over the 1080 and Titan model of GPU's, that alone hints that there are those on PC or going towards it that go for cheap parts that suit them, those that buy high end will buy high end.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Around the Network

4 hours since last update:


#27 XB1s-500gb Halo Bundle (up 6)
#43 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 5)
#44 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (up 2)
#71 XB1s-1tb Madden Bundle (re-entry)
#73 XB1s-2tb (up 26)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only) 
#04 3DS Pokemon Sun (same)
#05 3DS Pokemon Moon (same)
#06 3DS Pokemon Sun&Moon (up 7)


The PS5 Exists. 

Shadow1980 said:
Here's today's update to the monthly rankings:

PS Vita: #29 (↓8)
XBO S 500GB Halo bundle: #40 (↓2)
PS4 CoD bundle: #48 (↑2)
PS4 standalone: #57 (↓1)
PSTV: #72 (↑24)
XBO S 2TB: #74 (↑4)
PS4 UC4 LE bundle: #84 (↑2)
XBO S 1TB Madden bundle: #96 (↓5)

And here's the update for Week 1:

PS Vita: #28 (↓1)
New 3DS XL Galaxy edition: #35 (↓5)
XBO S 500GB Halo bundle: #38 (↑2)
PS4 CoD bundle: #44 (↓2)
PSTV: #50 (—)
PS4 standalone: #63 (—)
XBO S 2TB: #77 (↓1)
PS4 UC4 LE bundle: #90 (↓1)
XBO S 1TB Madden bundle: #96 (↓5)

Don't ask me why the Vita is so high. I don't get it, either. Also, it seems like there's very little demand for the Madden bundle on Amazon.

That's not much of a surprise (to me, at least). Price conscious consumers will opt for the 500gb and people who want the premium will opt for the 2gb. 

5 hours since last update:


#26 XB1s-500gb Halo Bundle (up 1)
#39 PS4 Fool's Edition (up 4)
#50 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (down 6)
#76 XB1s-2tb (down 3)
#92 XB1s-1tb Madden Bundle (down 21)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#03 3DS Pokemon Moon (up 2)
#05 3DS Pokemon Sun (down 1)
#06 3DS Pokemon Sun&Moon (same)
#30 3DS Dragon Quest VII (new entry)
#70 XB1 Recore (re-entry)


The PS5 Exists. 

CGI-Quality said:
xl-klaudkil said:
Ps4 still being destroyed.

Xbox will win usa.
Good turnaround


iTzCharlie said:
Oh no why you said that, now they will tell you "have fun now, beacause sony is the best and will release 2 better console in 1 day" gne gne......LOL


3sexty said:
Lol you don't want to be making light-hearted comments like that against the almighty ps4. Some people here will likely be put into a very highly emotional state even if it is simply a case of playful teasing /joking around 😝


To all three of these (especially the last two) - we're not doing this! Let's keep the topic clean of this sort of thing! Thanks!

Sorry about that. Was having a bit of fun but will keep in mind in future the need to not offend or upset anyone in future with these kind of statments..sometimes it is a fine line.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

3sexty said:

Sorry about that. Was having a bit of fun but will keep in mind in future the need to not offend or upset anyone in future with these kind of statments..sometimes it is a fine line.

You didn't offend or upset anyone, you just derailed the thread.


The PS5 Exists.