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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie- need better communication and steady flow of games with NX

Miyamotoo said:
HintHRO said:
So exactly the same thing they said about Wii and Wii U. It sounds like they are delivering exactly the opposite.

Lol! What are you talking about, with Wii they had great marketing, great communication, great launch and 1st year lineup, without software drought. With Wii U failed on evre step of that and had some other huge mistakes.

Maybe the casuals experienced no droughts because they don't require quality games, but the core gamers had serious droughts later in the Wii life cycle. That's why PS3 began to sell so much better: core gamers made the transition from Wii to PS3. 

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Isn't it a bit odd that one of the lessons they supposedly learned is "you have to make sure you’ve got a great library of games"

They've been making consoles for 30 years, I don't think they went into making the WiiU thinking "You know what we actually DON'T need to have a reasonable games output!"

Miyamotoo said:
JEMC said:

So they need to do a better job telling people that whatever NX ends up being named is a new device, not another addon, and avoid game droughts.

Well that's exactly things they failed with Wii U and actually main reasons why Wii U failed so bad.

And given that that was four years ago, we all take as a given that they've learned the lesson, there's no need to remind us about it.

Please excuse my bad English.

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At least this time around there have been serious structural changes at Nintendo in response to Wii U's failings and 3DS's slow start. NX should hopefully see some benefit from that.

Just show the damn thing already then.

Like, Nintendo can communicate everything perfectly right now for the NX if they just show it already. All of this PR talk is nice but nobody still has any idea what this thing is. 

Speak with your actions by showing it, not just talking about it. A fantastic NX reveal should be enough to show everyone what it is. 

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HintHRO said:
Miyamotoo said:

Lol! What are you talking about, with Wii they had great marketing, great communication, great launch and 1st year lineup, without software drought. With Wii U failed on evre step of that and had some other huge mistakes.

Maybe the casuals experienced no droughts because they don't require quality games, but the core gamers had serious droughts later in the Wii life cycle. That's why PS3 began to sell so much better: core gamers made the transition from Wii to PS3. 

It has nothing with quality of games, Wii had lots a shovelware titles (they are mostly 3rd party) but had also very quality games. Wii launch lineup and 1st year is miles better than Wii Us, and didn't had drought, Wii U is opposite weak launch and 1st year lineup and basically drought whole life cycleDroughts for Wii come near end of life cycle like for any other Nintendo console, Nintendo doesnt gave full support for old console until new arrives like Sony, they stop supporting console last year or two. Also Wii gamers did not migrated only to PS3, more of them actually migrated to mobile platforms.

Its a little late.... but I guess learning from the Wii U is a good thing.
Not learning from mistakes is alot worse.

JEMC said:

So they need to do a better job telling people that whatever NX ends up being named is a new device, not another addon, and avoid game droughts.

You mock but... just think about how many times hes told basically lies, or made up weird excuses instead.

This atleast is something true, that was a issue for the Wii U.

Hopefully that means they understand it too, and the NX wont have the same issues.


I do feel like hes just stateing the obvious though.

Better communication doesn't seem to be off to a good start with the late announcement of the console.....
A good stream of games would be supplemented by making a console that EA, Activision and stuff want to release games on

Twitter @CyberMalistix

malistix1985 said:
Better communication doesn't seem to be off to a good start with the late announcement of the console.....
A good stream of games would be supplemented by making a console that EA, Activision and stuff want to release games on

Did you know this far from release, 3DS & PS4 had only been shown for 1-2 months and XBO hadnt even been shown yet? All 3 of those systems were formally unveiled 6-9 months before release.

Communication pre-reveal doesnt matter, what matters is how well its communicated at the reveal and beyond.

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