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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Titanfall 2 beta exclusive to consoles/Beta to start this weekend????

Chazore said:

Let's change 'not doing well' to 'not doing as well' and that's what I'm clearly implying. I don't think I can put it across any clearer, I'm not being vague.

And of course keeping a game off any platform will stunt the fanbase growth, why wouldn't it? But since Xbox One install base is half the size it would do less damage, but that's just basic common sense. 

Also I think the start of a new IP is normally when you see the biggest fanbase growth,  so if you miss big platforms within the first couple of installments, that's when you'll stunt the biggest growth. Let's say Titanfall 1 and 2 came to all platforms and then decided to make 3 Xbox exclusive, that would stunt the fanbase less than making the first installment exclusive. 

As well, we may as well be getting into specifics if we're trying to go with that middleground type implication.

It would still do damage none the less, you make it sound like the less damage done to a game without XBox or Nintendo is a drop in the pan, again this just makes me want to go back to specifics if we're going to make the PS4 look like David versus Goliath.

We'll see how that turns out with the latest Tomb Raider near the end of this year.

See you're doing it again, you're taking what I said and turning it into something I haven't said or implied. I'm agreeing with you, but it's common sense that missing out on a 40M install base will do more damage than missing out on a 20M install base. That's as straightforward as it gets since you don't want to get into specifics. I agree that missing out on any platform will have an effect, like I said in previous comment. 

I'm not sure what you're arguing about at this point.

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See you're doing it again, you're taking what I said and turning it into something I haven't said or implied. I'm agreeing with you, but it's common sense that missing out on a 40M install base will do more damage than missing out on a 20M install base. That's as straightforward as it gets since you don't want to get into specifics. I agree that missing out on any platform will have an effect, like I said in previous comment. 

I'm not sure what you're arguing about at this point.

Common sense or not, the other still isn't a drop in the bucket to ignore either.

I'm not sure what you're arguing either besides size.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:

See you're doing it again, you're taking what I said and turning it into something I haven't said or implied. I'm agreeing with you, but it's common sense that missing out on a 40M install base will do more damage than missing out on a 20M install base. That's as straightforward as it gets since you don't want to get into specifics. I agree that missing out on any platform will have an effect, like I said in previous comment. 

I'm not sure what you're arguing about at this point.

Common sense or not, the other still isn't a drop in the bucket to ignore either.

I'm not sure what you're arguing either besides size.

And I didn't say it was. So to summarise, missing a release on any platform stunts fanbase growth no matter what platform it misses. Since PS4 as 20M more install base than the Xbox, you miss out on roughly double the sales of Xbox One game sales if you skip the PS4, hence you do more damage to IP growth (while still selling well on the Xbox). 

Do you agree and wrap up this little discussion? 

Chazore said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

TF1 on Xbone still has 4-5k players every time I log on. The addition of SP alone will add tons of sales. It will do way better on Xbone/PC than the first. I wouldn't call skipping PS4 on the first one a mistake by default either, because if Respawn didn't make the deal with MS then they'd have had to get more money from EA, and give up the IP in return, and who fucking knows where we are if that happens.


Either way I am glad everyone gets a chance to experience this, and I might triple dip. Will at least double dip on consoles.

Just as well EA didn't buy the IP from them, but still good enough of them to make the first one happen.

I just nabbed this from TF reddit lol:

Man some people really work fast.

Yeah I am glad they were able to use the EA Partners stable to bring their game to life, but also glad EA didn't get the IP. When they get their hands on stuff, they tend to turn it to shit. Battlefront and Madden being two recent examples. And I doubt we'd be seeing free map DLC if EA were in complete control.


I'll have to watch that video later, I'm sure it's hilarious.

LudicrousSpeed said:
AmericanAli said:
That signature... I'm dying lol

Apparently it's too "provoking" and I've been asked to change it. God forbid someone calls a developer out for lying and misleading people. Hilarious.

Chazore, in the original beta basically the entire game was spoiled from data mining. All maps, weapons, upgrades, everything. Now that they are also making a SP, I'm not surprised they might want to protect it from people spoiling the entire thing before the game is even out. Sucks that PC only users won't get to experience the beta. Maybe they'll do a demo once the actual game is out.

I wanna know what the signature is now.

I haven't played an FPS SP campaign all the way through since Red Faction on PS2. I do sometimes think I want to play a FPS campaign some times. I wonder if Titanfall might be the one. Though if I couldn't bring myself to playing any of the Bioshock games (Started Bioshock Infinte) I'm not sure if SP Titanfall will do it for me.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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lionpetercarmoo said:

Ok you keep on saying in the past, PC games get leaked everytime their is a game that has a big fanbase.

Whatever you say.

Lol look at you. If you don't have a good argument don't say nothing at all.

LudicrousSpeed said:
Chazore said:

Just as well EA didn't buy the IP from them, but still good enough of them to make the first one happen.

I just nabbed this from TF reddit lol:

Man some people really work fast.

Yeah I am glad they were able to use the EA Partners stable to bring their game to life, but also glad EA didn't get the IP. When they get their hands on stuff, they tend to turn it to shit. Battlefront and Madden being two recent examples. And I doubt we'd be seeing free map DLC if EA were in complete control.


I'll have to watch that video later, I'm sure it's hilarious.

Didn't the developers say that EA did the exclusive deal behind their back? Or was that another game?

Beta/tech test potentially coming this weekend.

LudicrousSpeed said:

The multiplayer tech test is around the corner, and nothing really helps us more than when millions of people play together, stress our systems and try out things we never would have thought of and try out new things in ways we wouldn't otherwise imagine.

The main reason we are doing a MP tech test is to satisfy an engineering goal - to stress test our servers and prove that they can scale.  Since our server backend is per-platform, it means we only actually need a single platform to test this.  More platforms can be a good sanity check, but we don't need to test them all to make sure we are on a good path for launch. 


Continued at link. Can't believe we're like, 2 months away. Was just playing more TF yesterday, game is still the shit.

Will part 2 have bots like part 1?

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


Does anybody actually care about Titanfall anymore?

I just realised there are 40 comments, 20 are from me and chazzy debate about shit, 10 are between chazzy and ludi talking about my comments so ludi can reply to me without replying to me,2 is from ludi about how much he loves the game, 2 are from me asking about the beta, 1 is from somebody who is dying over ludis sig (must be funny can't see it on phone), one guy came and went after saying something mockingly, which leaves... Fuck knows how many!