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Forums - Sales Discussion - July 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware and software up!

ArchangelMadzz said:
Jranation said:

They should just become Third Party developers...... right? XD 

And not invest millions upon millions into R&D for hardware and just make huges piles of money on software with it being available on 60 million more machines on console alone? (Not even factoring steam)

Hell fucking yes.

yep while also losing out on billions from hardware, accessories, not having to pay royalties, not getting royalties from others, etc.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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Dark_Feanor said:

I predicted a 5k gap with Xbox winning so pretty close if true. If the gap is that small then this is a hollow victory for MS considering what they had to do. 

I wonder why the talk of small gaps are only broght up on slow summer months when Xone has the lead. It's not like, according to leaks, the PS4 has consistently winning every month in a landslide.

And it's not like PS4 had zero fire sales and bundles.

When you're selling $100 cheaper than the competition, Xbox One should win by more than 10k. Should it not?

Happy to see the XB1 beat the PS4. I didn't know NPD numbers came out today! Guess August will be another XB1 win.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

Dark_Feanor said:

I wonder why the talk of small gaps are only broght up on slow summer months when Xone has the lead. It's not like, according to leaks, the PS4 has consistently winning every month in a landslide.

And it's not like PS4 had zero fire sales and bundles.

When you're selling $100 cheaper than the competition, Xbox One should win by more than 10k. Should it not?

PS4 was 100$ cheaper than the XB1 at launch, so whats your point. Microsoft did these fire sales to push stock for the slim.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

Dark_Feanor said:
thismeintiel said:

Why would PS4 want to do Wii numbers all gen? That means they'd crawl to 100M, instead of easily passing it like the PS2, which it's currently otpacing.  

And let's just ignore all the Xbox fans' predictions and threads about how the XBO was going to actually compete with the PS4 WW, possibly beat it. Which started up again when XBO did well the following Xmas after launch. Now, it's only competing in the US when it's $70-$100 cheaper than the PS4.

There were a lot of preditions. Even I couldn't belive some crazy ones like the WiiU failing to break the 20mi mark.

There were people claiming the PS4 would do Wii numbers (30mi per year) without winding down, going up to 250mi total or more.

You can not just dismiss the Xbox performance for it being cheaper. One of the major reasons for the PS4's advantage was precisely costing $ 100 less. I hope you will not disregard Microsoft's engineering effort with the "Xbox One S", when finally  equaled to the PS4 in size (or at least come close), if it start beating the PS4 in the USA, at the same price level.

On the off-topic of PS2 numbers and claims.

You can not exactly align the two  launche windows. The PS2 had a slow start, but by 2002-2003 it was doing 20 million per year and kept its pace for 3 more years. And survived long into the PS3 era.
We all know that this is impossible now and even Sony want faster generation refresh.

Of course I can " dismiss" it. The XBO has been $70-$100 cheaper, with a bunch of games, the entire month. Yet, if the 7K-10K thing holds up, it basically tied the PS4.  

But sorry, the PS4's success has much more to it than just price. They came out with the better HW. Had the better policies. Had the bigger gaming brand. Had larger 3rd party and indie support. And it didn't take long for XBO to match its price, yet that changed nothing about its situation. Nor did being just $50 cheaper. Price has little to do with it.

You also can't look at the 1st month of the Slim's sales.  I can guarantee that once the Slim boost is over, and both the consoles are $299, the PS4 will continue to easily outsell the XBO. In the US, of course. It's already doing that easily WW.

And the slow start excuse didn't stop Xbox fans from aligning the 360 and XBO's launch to brag about it outpacing the 360. Even though it's quite obvious the XBO will maybe pull half the sales of the 360.

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barneystinson69 said:

When you're selling $100 cheaper than the competition, Xbox One should win by more than 10k. Should it not?

PS4 was 100$ cheaper than the XB1 at launch, so whats your point. Microsoft did these fire sales to push stock for the slim.

For how long?

Boutros, you can write that 3DS is >176k in the OP

Dark_Feanor said:

I wonder why the talk of small gaps are only broght up on slow summer months when Xone has the lead. It's not like, according to leaks, the PS4 has consistently winning every month in a landslide.

And it's not like PS4 had zero fire sales and bundles.

When you're selling $100 cheaper than the competition, Xbox One should win by more than 10k. Should it not?

May be.

May be if the XOne well had not been poised so hard the first 6 months before launch and the first 2 years. It's just how things are now. Microsoft has to fight for every console sold and player retained.

Until Scorpio they can fight only with price since exclusives had shown a thoughter job than before.

Bandorr said:
barneystinson69 said:

PS4 was 100$ cheaper than the XB1 at launch, so whats your point. Microsoft did these fire sales to push stock for the slim.

And the ps4 outsold the XBL by more than 10k didn't it?

Lol. It also outsold it by more when the XBO was the same price and $50 cheaper.  Of course, some Xbox fans still think the PS4 is selling merely on hype and the initial advantages it had almost 3 years ago.

ZhugeEx (Daniel Ahmad) on Twitter:


"The popularity of Pokemon Go had a huge impact on NPD's U.S. Games Industry Sales Report for July 2016.

Nintendo 3DS HW & SW did very well."