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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

I take it your still having problems chrono.

Its an official week this saturday you don't want to miss that. EDIT: Also has anyone added daddosplat so he will receive a reminder.


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That and depending on what you guys do on the 14th, it might be your only opportunity for play with many leaguers until the 21st of June.

Yeah my internet is being an absolute whore at the moment >

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.


I forgot you were away for a wild night out on the 14th. Guys if any of us want to play that night we will have to make plans before then.


sounds like I missed a good game.

I've been having ISP troubles. The service has been really dodgy (off and on) and they keep claiming that I haven't paid my bill (I have paid it by the way).

It pretty much goes like this:

  1. They cut me off.
  2. I go to the neighbor to call and ask why (I have a vonage internet phone).
  3. They say I didn't pay.
  4. I call my bank and have the bank manager talk to my ISP.
  5. They say they made a mistake and reconnect me.
  6. My connection is really slow after reconnection and around 12 hours later I'm cut off again.
  7. I go to the neighbor to call and ask why.
  8. They say I didn't pay.
  9. I call my bank and have the bank manager talk to my ISP.
  10. They say they made a mistake and reconnect me.
  11. My connection is really slow after reconnection and around 12 hours later I'm cut off again.

( It keeps going like this over and over again)

It is a great example of why monopolies are bad. The consumer has no choice but to stay.

 I should hopefully be around for the next game as I have had a stable connection so far today.


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dawve24 said:

I forgot you were away for a wild night out on the 14th. Guys if any of us want to play that night we will have to make plans before then.
 One of us could host, we could occupy a public server, or if there is a lack of commiters due to mgs4 we could take a break. 


It is good to hear from you skip.

A few of us were wondering what had happened to you(it is good to have you back mate) . Yes we did have a really good time last weekend. @skip EDIT: I will go with whatever the league decides on the 14th.


GodofWine, you were pretty good in the first deathmatch. Yeah dawve, I was on fire, mainly because skip wasn't there and badger was on my team. dogs, it was pretty hilarious when you fell down in the capitol map when you had the binoculars equipped.

On the 14th, I'll be busy playing MGS4, but we shall see.

Mirson said:
GodofWine, you were pretty good in the first deathmatch. Yeah dawve, I was on fire, mainly because skip wasn't there and badger was on my team. dogs, it was pretty hilarious when you fell down in the capitol map when you had the binoculars equipped.

On the 14th, I'll be busy playing MGS4, but we shall see.

 I was hoping nobody had notice. lol :) I was backing up because I was trying to get one of the Warhawks hovering over the center building, but apparently the character's neck can't bend that far back. It must be his helmet.


Sorry to hear about your  ISP problems, Skip. The lack of you and Kasillas really showed and forced me to open the server to the public.

I use Vonage too for my business line (since they include a free fax line). 


We're still missing Flow though who is still AWOL unfortunately.



What I want to know is this. Who on the CTF on archipelago did the mad dive of the cliff with the flag on their back. They were being chased by at least 2 players and didn't have anyother way out. I was down below and watched there crazy attempt at doing the jeep jump down to the next spawn point on foot. I was laughing my ass off.

I salute you who ever you were.