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sounds like I missed a good game.

I've been having ISP troubles. The service has been really dodgy (off and on) and they keep claiming that I haven't paid my bill (I have paid it by the way).

It pretty much goes like this:

  1. They cut me off.
  2. I go to the neighbor to call and ask why (I have a vonage internet phone).
  3. They say I didn't pay.
  4. I call my bank and have the bank manager talk to my ISP.
  5. They say they made a mistake and reconnect me.
  6. My connection is really slow after reconnection and around 12 hours later I'm cut off again.
  7. I go to the neighbor to call and ask why.
  8. They say I didn't pay.
  9. I call my bank and have the bank manager talk to my ISP.
  10. They say they made a mistake and reconnect me.
  11. My connection is really slow after reconnection and around 12 hours later I'm cut off again.

( It keeps going like this over and over again)

It is a great example of why monopolies are bad. The consumer has no choice but to stay.

 I should hopefully be around for the next game as I have had a stable connection so far today.