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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

teamkills we both ran over each other in the same game dogs. lol.


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You appear offline to me and so do I on VGC, yet we are both posting. Do we appear offline to you?

yeah dogs it seems you are offline. a good skill that posting while offline. good game tonight mate you are 1 mean man in a tank.


Those were some pretty good games. Great game everyone. Who was Agent Binny? He was team killing a lot. I really liked the map layouts for the Broken mirror one.

Team kills. I was teamkilled quite a lot tonight.

Also in archipelago CTF I was on a team of 3 others playing on 1 PS3. They stuck together covering each other while I felt like the lone soldier. Trying to protect a flag and breakout to capture other bases without any help sure made for one of the most unusual games I have ever played. It was fun though.


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@Dawve and Mirson
Don't forget that it was a public game open to anyone without a password. That is who Agent-Binney was. Also much of the teamkilling was perpetrated by the guys I had to boot on archipelagos.

I thought a public server worked very well to fill in the spaces we had.

Next week is an official game we should try and gather as many players as is possible before then.


PSN id daddosplat

What time zone, Daddo?

If you don;'t have bonus maps, be sure to arrive within the first hour and a half. Games are Saturdays at 4 pm edt. I'll add you to the roster on monday.

Good game all...I had my ups (zones and somehow I got captured a flag that someone else dropped about 5 feet short of home base :) ) and downs (the rest) in my debut :) 

 Some fun and funny BT Headset un-registered so I couldn't talk...oh well.   Hope to be on next week too.




PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)