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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

intense is the word! i came in on the death match in that wee village and it was brutal... although i did quite enjoy running arund with a knife and messing people up... and that zones battle in the desert, where te blues were trapped in the town... i could't stay alive for more than a few moments in that one. damn you people in planes!

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Any comments on the map selection and accidental omission of deathmatch?

I was originally going to say that I was thinking of expanding the deathmatch Eucadia map so we could get tanks, but then skip suggested that we have a no-fly rule on the map instead, which could be interesting. Jeeps would still be permitted.

The map for zones seemed perfect and archipelago for CTF can work quite well when we are enough and balanced.

I'll re implement Dogfights.

Destroyed Capital was great IMO for TDM. I can't believe how many Warhawks I shot down with a tank, moving ones at that. :)

Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks for playing.

Yeah scruff i was on the blue team during that zones match. It was brutal we were pinned and struggling bad. Once we had clear skies it was just wave after wave of tanks, ground troops etc.

It was fun though.


That was loads of fun. The map selections are better now than they were before. TDM was pretty intense. One team would dominate, then the other team would dominate.

Mirson do you start with a thousand mines every time I moved I hit a mine.

Also could anyone hear me I tried talking but gave up as I thought it was garbled.

chrono your mic was very garbled for me but had no problem hearing others.


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destroyed capital was good for the tdm.  Normally three spawn maps don't really work because one team gets stuck without  any way to defend themselves, but the tank free bridges at either end that lead to a tank free spawn definetly made it playable.


the small eucadia deatmatch map was a nice change of pace, which I very much enjoyed.  I was getting tired of the island outpost (i think thats what its called) deathmatch as we have played it so many times.

the dogfights are definetly a keeper in my book as it is once again a nice change of pace.

the zones map was great as every spawn had a nice assortment of weapons (spawns aren't left without any ways of defending against tanks and hawks), as well as every spawn had a good selection of vehicles. 

the ctf map was great as well.  That map gives a large number of tactical options such as pushing the flag carrirs jeep of a cliff for an instant flag return.

I thought all the maps worked perfectly tonight although I would put a no fly zone on the deathmatch in eucadia.


Mines are awesome. I get lots of kills using that. I would go get them and throw them around every 5 minutes. And yeah, I could hear you as well as Chrono.

dawve24 said:
Mirson do you start with a thousand mines every time I moved I hit a mine.

Also could anyone hear me I tried talking but gave up as I thought it was garbled.

chrono your mic was very garbled for me but had no problem hearing others.

you where very garbled dawve24. check your mics input volume as if its two high you're voice will be one garbled mess. set the microphone level so that the volume at which you normally communicate is in the blue. test it by saying a few words. if you go into the red you are just adding unnessecary distortion. Having the mic level set to high is the most common reason that people can't understand you

it may not be this in your case but it doesn't hurt to check. 


Thanks skip I will go and check.